The Reading Matthew 16:13-16 Great controversy today regarding the person of Jesus. Many have even denied that he really existed in the.


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Presentation transcript:

The Reading Matthew 16:13-16

Great controversy today regarding the person of Jesus. Many have even denied that he really existed in the first century. Many have put in doubt His Power, Miracles, Claims and Deity! Was Jesus all that He claimed to be? Can we prove it biblically and historically? Is it essential for me to believe in Jesus 100%? What if I believe only half and not the other half? Can we go to heaven by not having a full understanding of who Jesus Is?

John 8:24 24  Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

Jesus of Nazareth Is a Real Man of History The N.T. Documents Establish the Historical Christ Jewish Testimony Establishes the Historical Christ The Jewish Babylonian Talmud Flavius Josephus, Jewish historian (A.D. 93-94) Roman Testimony Establishes the Historical Christ Tacitus, Roman historian (A.D. 56-117) Suetonius, Roman biographer (A.D. 120) Pliny the Younger, Roman governor of Bithynia (A.D. 110-112) Hostile Testimony Establishes the Historical Christ Celsus, a pagan philosopher (A.D. 178) Lucian of Samosata, Greek philosopher (A.D. 115-120)

Jesus Is More Than Just a Man Some view Jesus as just another man who lived It is vitally important that Jesus is the Son of God Eternal matters are contingent upon His deity: The existence of the church (Matt. 16:16-19) The inspiration of the Scriptures (Luke 24:44 + John 16:13-15) The reconciliation of believers to God (Rom. 5:10) The revelation of God’s will to man (Heb. 1:1-2) The priesthood of Christ in our lives (Heb. 4:14-16) The cleansing efficacy of Christ’s blood (1 John 1:7) The destruction of the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) The saving of the world from sin (1 John 4:14) The promise and possession of eternal life (Jn. 3:36; 1 Jn. 5:12)

Jesus Is the Son of God, Based Upon Facts The Miracles of Jesus attest to His deity (Acts 2:22) Jesus’ miracles prove His deity (John 20:30-31; Mt. 11:2-5) Jesus’ miracles could only be done by God (John 3:2; 10:25- 38) Jesus’ enemies even attested to His miracles (Jn. 11:47; 9:16) Jesus showed power over disease, nature, demons & death

Jesus Is the Son of God, Based Upon Facts The Fulfilled Prophecies attest to His deity (Acts 2:25-30) There are 332 Old Testament prophecies about the Son of God Born of Bethlehem in Judea (Micah 5:2) Born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14) Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Zech. 11:13) Pierced hands and feet (Psa. 22:16) Lots cast for His clothing (Psa. 22:18) No bones broken (Psa. 34:20) Buried with the rich (Isa. 53:9) Body would be raised (Psa. 16:10) Highly improbable that one man could fulfill all 332 prophecies Odds of being struck by lightning: 1 in 700,000 Odds of winning Powerball with one ticket: 1 in 175,000,000 Odds of one man fulfilling just 8 Messianic prophecies: 1 in 1017 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (100 quadrillion) Jesus precisely fulfilled all 332 prophecies—He is the Son of God!

Jesus Is the Son of God, Based Upon Facts The Miracles of Jesus attest to His deity (Acts 2:22) The Fulfilled Prophecies attest to His deity (Acts 2:25-30) The Resurrection attests to His deity (Acts 2:24, 30-36) Witnessed by the soldiers (Matt. 28:11-15) Witnessed by the women who came early (Matt. 28:9-10) Witnessed by two on road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) Witnessed by the 11 apostles (John 20:26-31) Witnessed by more than 500 at once (1 Cor. 15:6) Witnessed by Saul of Tarsus (1 Cor. 15:8) Jesus’ resurrection is a proven historical fact

Do you believe it? Have you responded to it? When you believe Jesus is God’s Son (John 3:36), and When you repent & turn from your sins (Luke 13:3), and When you confess your faith in Jesus (Rom. 10:9), and When you are immersed into Christ (Acts 2:38), then God will forgive all of your sins (Acts 22:16) God will add you to His church (Acts 2:47) God will enroll you in heaven (Hebrews 12:23) Then, you must walk faithfully with Him (1 John 1:7) Have you done this? Are you doing this?