Mrs. Ohia (AIG Tr) 8th Grade Language Arts Class. Welcome! Mrs. Ohia (AIG Tr) 8th Grade Language Arts Class.
Welcome to the 8th Grade! I’m so happy to have you here for what I know will be a great year! I’m sure you have many questions about the upcoming year, and I want to answer as many of your questions as possible, so without further adieu, let’s begin!
“Where Am I?” Mrs. Neeta Ohia Room 407 Language Arts
“What are we doing in here, anyway?” Short answer: A LOT! Long answer: We will read novels, short stories, poetry, news articles, and informational texts. We will write informative, narrative, and persuasive essays. We will communicate in large and small groups, Paideias, and presentations. We will learn grammar and vocabulary as a means to improve our writing skills
“So, what should I bring to this class?” Always Your Language Arts binder (may be a designated section in a larger binder) Notebook paper (should be in binder) A pencil Blue/black and red pens A highlighter Spiral notebook Sometimes (I’ll let you know when) Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
Eyes On Me When I say this, it means I need your attention. You need to: Keep your hands still (stop moving). Keep you lips zipped (stop talking). Turn to face the teacher (that’s self explanatory). And open your ears (this is the hardest one, that means LISTEN, not just hear).
Show Your Understanding Sometimes I like to do a quick check to see how the class is doing on a topic. If I say “You got it?” silently show me your understanding in 1 of 2 ways. 1) Thumb up = I got it 2) Thumb down = Nope, you’re speaking Latin
“What are your expectations in class?” Well thank you for asking! Please take a look at the Welcome letter that you were given at the beginning of class.
Classroom Rules Show respect Follow directions the first time they are given. Come to class prepared to work and learn. Be cooperative.
8th Grade Expectations Mutual Respect At All Times Follow Directions The First Time Be Seated, Ready To Begin When The Bell Rings Come To Class With All Your Materials (book bags stay in lockers) Raise Your Hand And Wait To Be Recognized Restrooms Are To Be Used Between Classes And At Lunch
About those restrooms If it’s an emergency, and you absolutely need to go in the middle of class, please hold up 3 fingers. You will need to take the bathroom pass with you to and from the bathroom.
“What does discipline look like?” 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense Lunch Detention (informal conference) (Parent Contact) Office Referral (Admin. Contacts parents). Reference the chart to note that you have been assigned one of the consequences for behavior/not following directions as outlined in your eighth grade letter. You must report for the indicated consequence when assigned and have the duty administrator initial on the line provided. Please have your parent/guardian sign this form and return it to your teacher. Parent Signature: __________________ Administration Initials: ___________
The Big So What The goal in this classroom and at this school is to create and uphold a culture of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and INTEGRITY. These are Carnage core values and we hold true to them here.
“What’s the Grading Like in here?” The Carnage grading policy provides the following grade breakdown: Major Assessments 60% Minor Assessments 40% Grades earned are the grades recorded. Work that is not handed in will be recorded as a zero.
However, there have been some changes from last year… We now operate on a 10-point grading scale. A final quarter average below 59% will be rounded up to 59% for a final average for a quarter.
“What about Grade Recovery?” Any student may retest by completing the English/Language Arts test correction process. Students must request a copy of the test from the teacher and correctly answer questions they missed for half credit. Their corrections must include specific evidence that explains/supports the correct answer. Corrections must be turned in by the day designated by the teacher and will not be accepted late. Any student may rewrite a paper at any time during the quarter up to the quarter cut off date which will be determined and announced by the teacher. Re-written papers will be regraded and the new grade will replace the old grade.
“Are We doing 40 Book Challenge This Year?” YES! We will be tracking the books that we read throughout the year using our 40 Book Challenge Logs. We will also be having an 8th grade Battle of the Classes. Welcome - let’s go for the gold!
That’s All Folks!!! Questions or Comments?
Two more things before you go... Turn in papers in the bin labeled for your class period Stay in your seats until the bell rings