Constraints HARD LOGIC Physical constraints = logical relationship SOFT LOGIC Resource constraints Safety constraints Financial constraints Environmental constraints Contractual constraints Regulatory constraints Other constraints (Hinze 2008)
Physical constraints = logical relationships Due to the physical process of construction Examples: Formwork before concrete is placed Columns installed/build before beams in each floor Wall frame before the windows … (Hinze 2008)
Resource constraints Limited resources Examples: Labour Material Equipment Examples: Concrete plant capacity One crane to work in multiple independent activities (Hinze 2008)
Safety constraints Certain activities can not occur simultaneously No working under the crane range while it is operating Specified sequence must occur Safety equipment in place before activity can start Extreme weather conditions Hot or cold, wind (Hinze 2008)
Financial constraints Staggering of high cost activities Securing loans prior to certain part of the project (Hinze 2008)
Environmental constraints Mitigation procedures prior to activities Time/area restrictions (Hinze 2008)
Contractual constraints Owner requirements Example: Housing project, some need to be finished before others. Renovation project, part of the building is in use. (Hinze 2008)
Regulatory constraints Some could be counted as environmental constraints Environmental law Municipal government regulations (Hinze 2008)
Other constraints Might be called also management constraints Other project’s effect Supervisory time (Hinze 2008)
References Hinze, J.W. (2012). Construction Planning and Scheduling. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Mubarak, S. (2010). Construction project scheduling and control (2nd edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.