Do Now: Did humans evolve from apes? The chimpanzee is the closest relative to our species. How are humans and chimpanzees the same and how are they different?
Hominid Evolution
The Essential Question How does the evidence used to support evolution help us connect past life forms to those living today?
Objectives Identify examples of basic trends in hominid evolution from early ancestors to modern humans. Identify the major parts of the brain using a diagram or model. (Those CGA questions will all make sense now. Huzzah!)
What is a hominid? Any human-like species, including us. Bipedal (walks on two legs). Intelligent (large brain, uses tools). Opposable thumbs ----- Meeting Notes (10/25/12 08:55) -----
Hominids are not the same as modern apes. Modern apes (like chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans) are: not bipedal do not have a large brain case compared to ours do not make tools However, chimpanzees are our closest relative - our DNA differs by less than 4 percent!
There have been at least a dozen different species of hominids over the last five million years or so.
Since the first hominid fossils and artifacts were found, we have found literally hundreds of others.
Hominid Evolution Humans belong to the Hominid family, which shares a common ancestor with apes. Common Characteristics of hominids: walk upright opposable thumbs Knowledge of human ancestry is based on fossil remains. The oldest hominid fossils are about 3.8 million years old, and the oldest human fossils about 100,000 years old.
Walking Upright Bipedal Trait that describes animals that walk on two legs, upright.
One unique human adaptation is the grip between the thumb and other fingers. Why are other primates capable of holding objects in this manner as well?
Because of Opposable Thumbs! Both have a thumb that can be placed opposite the fingers of the same hand. Opposable thumbs allow the digits to grasp and handle objects characteristic of primates.
Hominid Brain Humans have the largest brains of all primates In order to accommodate this large brain, the skull of a human has a vertical forehead, providing a large brain capacity.
Evolution of Human Brain Humans have advanced over the last 100, 000 years since their ancestral hominid. With those advancements, the skull and brain size have increased as well.
There are 4 lobes of the brain 2 1 3 4
Brain Anatomy Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem Pons Medulla Oblongata
Cerebrum (7/8 of human brain) Associated with higher brain functions such as thought and action. Wrinkly large part of the brain
Lab Groups Working in groups of 4 Ms. Ryan will move you into these groups
Just Because this is cool.