Works Cited, Parenthetical Citations and More Dr. Atkins & Jeff Boykin MLA Overview Works Cited, Parenthetical Citations and More Dr. Atkins & Jeff Boykin
MLA Format Header – Reminder MLA Format Header – Reminder *Further examples are on page 898 in your book.
In-Text Citations: When and Where In-Text Citations: When and Where *Further instructions on Page 878 in your book. Insert Parenthetical Citations in the body of your paper after a direct quote or after paraphrasing and summarizing. When in doubt, place parenthetical citations at the END of a sentence. Remember that sentence punctuation is placed AFTER the (parentheses). Parenthetical citations must be accompanied by a full Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
HOW TO CITE USING PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS HOW TO CITE USING PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS *Further instructions on Page 878 in your book. In MLA Style, the author’s LAST Name and the Page Number are placed in parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase. No commas are used between the name and the page number. If the author’s name appears in the sentence itself, it can be omitted from the parentheses. Page numbers always appear in parentheses.
PARENTHETICAL CITATION CONVENTIONS PARENTHETICAL CITATION CONVENTIONS *Further instructions on Page 878 in your book. If no author is listed, an abbreviated version of the Title of the work is placed in parentheses, along with page number. If no Page Number exists (as on a website), just include the author. If needed, you can choose to include Paragraph numbers. This requires a comma. Example: (Jenkins, par. 9). If no Page Number exists AND no author is given: 1) Just include an abbreviated version of the title in the parentheses. 2) You should double-check to verify that your source is academically acceptable.
PARENTHETICAL CITATION EXAMPLES PARENTHETICAL CITATION EXAMPLES *Further instructions on Page 878 in your book. Example- Author’s Name in Reference “Christmas celebrations were banned because workers could not afford toys” (Hooper 3). Example- Author’s Name in Text Author Roger Wilco described his novel as an “undeniably good time” (120). Example- No Author or Page Number The number one film from the American Film Institute is Citizen Kane (
How to Cite a Block Quote *Page 873 in your book. If your quotation is more than 4 lines, you have to use a block quote. Introduce the quote with a colon: Start the quotation on a new line, and indent it by two tabs throughout. Maintain Double Space formatting. Omit the quotation marks. Place punctuation BEFORE the parenthetical citation. (like this) Afterwards, continue your paper on a new line with normal formatting. No indent is necessary, unless you are starting a new paragraph.
Block Quote Example Author David Orr asks a series of questions that encourage readers to investigate possible environmental perspectives: Will future generations think it prudent that we delay action until further notice? Will they admire our stubborn devotion to urban sprawl and fossil fuels? Perhaps not. (705) From this perspective Orr argues that no other considerations are as important…
MLA Conventions To Remember If you have to add a word within a quotation, put square brackets around the word to indicate that they are not part of the original text. Example: “Some shows ad-lib their dialogue, [while others] may use a full script” (Bernard 3). If you have to omit sections within a quotation, use an ellipse within square brackets to designate the missing space. Example: “while kittens may be cute […] puppies are more amenable to training” (Teagan 66).
Remember When Citing No Underlining: Do not underline anything. Instead, use Italics for proper titles of works (these include books, journals, films, and tv shows). *Note: the sample entries in the back of your book are outdated. Use italics, not underlines. Place quotation marks around the titles of articles from web sites, magazines, newspapers, or journals. Also use them for titles of poems, songs, episodes, or chapters. No underlining or italics needed.
How to Make a Works Cited Page *pgs 882-904 in your book. Works Cited should begin on a separate page at the end of your essay. Every source in your paper must be included in your Works Cited. Alphabetize your Works Cited by author’s last name (or title of work, if no author is given). Maintain double-space formatting. Use hanging indents: First line starts at margin, subsequent lines indented one tab.
Sample Works Cited Page
How to Make a Works Cited Page *sample on page 904 in your book. Books (notice the second line indent) Author’s name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: ->Publisher, date of pub. Print. Example Twitchell, James B. Living it Up: America’s Love Affair with Luxury. New York: Simon, 2002. Print.
How to Make a Works Cited Page *sample on page 904 in your book. Web Page (You Do Not Need URL!) Author’s name. Name of site. Name of Institution or Organization. Date posted. Web. Date you accessed it. Example (Date posted is omitted) Atkins, Anthony. Composition Program - Department of English. UNCW. Web. 4 April 2010.
How to Make a Works Cited Page *sample on page 904 in your book. Article from a Web Site Author’s name. “Article Title.” Name of Web Site. Name of Institution or Organization. Date posted. Web. Date you found it. Example Carroll, Jason. “Homeless Asked to Pay Rent.” 10 May 2009. Web. 11 May 2009.
How to Make a Works Cited Page *sample on page 904 in your book. Article from an Online Database Author’s name. “Title of article.” Journal title volume number . issue (date of publication): pages. Database Name. Web. Date you accessed. Example (notice database is also italicized) Wallace, Maurice. “Black Medusa.” Journal of American History 88.1 (2003): 71-75. Ebscohost. Web. 7 April 2010.
How to Make a Works Cited Page *sample on page 904 in your book. Article from a Scholarly Journal Author’s name. “Title of article.” Journal title volume number . issue (date of publication): pages. Print Example (notice no punctuation between Journal title and volume) Alexis, Natasha. “Photographic Irony in the works of Virginia Woolf.” Mosaic 33.2 (2002): 125-42. Print.
How to Make a Works Cited Page Some entries have special circumstances. Look them up for more information: Multiple authors: Boykin, Jeff and Anthony Atkins. The first entry is reversed, while other names are entered normally. Editors or Translators: Place ed. or trans. in front of name, insert after title of work. Edition Numbers: 3rd ed. Goes after title of work.
How to Make a Works Cited Page Other example entries are available in your book, pgs 886-896. These include: Films Television Programs Youtube Videos Audio tracks (cds, downloads, etc) Anthologies Advertisements
Works Cited- Things to Remember *pgs 882-904 in your book. Always include the media type when including a source in your works cited. Example: Web. Print. If certain information isn’t available, it is ok to omit that category from your citation. Example: no posting date for a web page. Date format should always look like this: 1 January 2010
Further References Your Book! Discusses MLA on pages: 878-904. But remember to italicize, not underline. Purdue OWL Diana MLA Citation Game NC State Citation Builder Warning: Automatic citation builders are useful, but they are only as good as the information you provide.