Presented by Dr. Susan Nahirniak November 06th 2014 Revisions to: The Plan For Management of Shortages of Labile Blood Components Presented by Dr. Susan Nahirniak November 06th 2014
The Plan - Edits/Revisions Removed the word “National” from the title Purpose and Scope clarified – process for convening the NEBMC is fluid and can move in many directions History of Blood Shortages in Canada will be updated by CBS to reflect a three to five year period up to 2014. Improved CBS Inventory Levels at Green, Amber and Red Phases. - This data along with the provision for Hospitals to enter inventory levels into the Inventory Level webpage within the CBS Blood Component and Product Disposition system will enable assessment of TOTAL blood product inventories (blood supplier and hospital combined) across the country in near to real time criteria.
Inventory Level Changes
The Plan - Edits/Revisions Other Edits The Plan - Edits/Revisions Clarity of CBS’ relationship with Héma-Québec NEBMC Titles updated to reflect CBS’ internal role & responsibly changes Members of the NEBMC are now responsible for naming a designate in the event that he/she is unavailable NEBMC Mandate updated: to reflect to task the Blood Shortage WG to review and report upon the implementation of the Plan and subsequent outcomes after each simulation exercise and live activation for ongoing refinement and improvements to the Plan. Added duties for the Secretariat
The Plan - Edits/Revisions Link to the CBS’ Business continuity removed as these plans are only posted internally at CBS and there are many (for various reasons and locations) which change frequently. Link the Recall notification document to The Plan since a large recall situation could potentially lead to a shortage situation and vice versa, etc. Link to the Triage Document
NEBMC Created a Job Aide for the NEBMC members Must work not just top down but bottom up. Hospital and provincial emergency blood management plans have to realize that they can move a provincial/regional shortage up the scale by notify the NEBMC through their representatives on the NEBMC. Examples of Provincial Activation Pathways added to the Plan
Top Down Bottom(s) Up
Lessons learned post Nov 14, 2013 simulation/validation exercise Hold 2 regular teleconferences per year First call to review the Plan for currency Second call to increase awareness Revised Triage Tools – Patient Record Triage Tracking Log Job Aid Created A “job aid” - developed by the BSWG to support the NEBMC during an actual blood shortage. This aid summarizes the mandate of the NEBMC, describes the shortage phases/their implications for transfusion, and provides a high-level summary of how communications should unfold once the NEBMC reached decisions Letter to the Editor on validation exercise submitted to Transfusion – revisions underway.
Appendices Other Edits APPENDIX C: CBS Business Continuity Plans are not current, replaced with Blood Contingency Plan Activation Pathway APPENDIX F: The National Emergency Blood Management Committee Terms of References redundant information, replaced with The National Emergency Blood Management Committee Job Aide APPENDIX G: Guidelines for the Optimal use of Blood Components was removed as links no longer worked, info not current, etc., replaced with Triage Tools
How many O negatives do we have? He’s Intense! THOUGHTS ANYONE! QUESTIONS ANYONE?