doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Combined Preliminary Proposal Date Submitted: 9 March 2009 Source: Frederick Martin, Paul Gorday, Ed Callaway, Monique Brown, Motorola, Inc. Address: 8000 W. Sunrise Blvd., Plantation, FL, 33322, USA Voice: +1-954-723-6395, FAX: +1-954-723-3712, E-Mail: Re: TG6 Call For Proposals, IEEE P802.15-08-0829-01-0006, 3 December 2008. Abstract: Key requirements of the BAN standards effort, including power, cost and throughput scalability, can be addressed using a scalable direct sequence waveform. In addition, this approach facilitates receiver novel ultra-low cost receiver implementations. Purpose: This document is intended as a preliminary proposal for addressing the requirements of the TG6 standard. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Martin, Motorola <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> March 2009 Contributors Frederick Martin Motorola, Inc. Paul Gorday Ed Callaway Monique Brown James Spoto Kairos Microsystems John V. Lampe consultant Martin et al <author>, <company>
Proposal outline only – details to be presented at future meetings January 2009 Presentation Summary Proposal outline only – details to be presented at future meetings Partial Proposal – PHY Only – compatible with many MAC proposals Focus – cost, power, form factor Martin, Motorola
The BAN Challenge: Scalability January 2009 The BAN Challenge: Scalability Standard must meet many applications with a single solution Must span 10 kbit/s to 10 Mbit/s Must scale power with throughput (Low bit rate solutions must be competitive with low throughput point solutions) Must be size and cost competitive with non-scalable solutions Must promote BAN size power and form factor constraints Martin, Motorola
direct sequence (chip) waveform January 2009 Proposal direct sequence (chip) waveform -- similar in structure to 802.15.4 Moderate sequence length (length 16, 32, 64 ??) Ortogonal cyclical shift coding for increased throughput -- chip rate scaled with throughput Low chip rate, narrow transmission band for low throughput Higher chip rate, wider transmission bandwidth for higher throughput Martin, Motorola
Simplicity: lends itself to low-power, low cost January 2009 Why DSSS? Simplicity: lends itself to low-power, low cost Scalability: Same structure can be used for low or high throughput Compatibility: Can be made compatible with existing 802.15.4 hardware Extendibility: Creates opportunities for ultra-low cost receiver implementations Martin, Motorola
January 2009 PHY Scalability IEEE 802.15.4-2003 uses a fixed DSSS approach at 2.4 GHz … add scalability using chip rate and coding options: Chip Rate (Mchip/s) 20-dB Signal Bandwidth (MHz) Data Rate OC(32,4)* (Mbit/s) Uncoded 16 20.8 2 8 10.4 1 4 5.2 0.5 2.6 0.25 1.3 0.125 0.65 0.065 * OC = Orthogonal Coding. Martin, Motorola
802.15.4 PHY Review Modulation 4 bits per symbol January 2009 802.15.4 PHY Review Modulation 4 bits per symbol 16-ary symbol alphabet (nearly-orthogonal PN sequences) 32 chips per symbol Chip modulation is O-QPSK with half-sine pulse shape (similar to MSK) Serial To Parallel s0 s1 s15 . z-1 I Q O-QPSK Modulation PN Sequence Selection Bits 4-Bit Index 32-Chip Sequence Martin, Motorola
802.15.4 PHY Review Matched Filter Detection January 2009 802.15.4 PHY Review Matched Filter Detection Textbook detection: Sequence matched filters (non-coherent) Advantage: Low Eb/No, low C/I Disadvantage: Requires good frequency control s0 . PN Sequence Matched Filters Bits Parallel to Serial 4-bit Symbol Value I Q Magnitude Choose Largest Chip Matched Filters s1 s15 Martin, Motorola
High Efficiency BAN Option Uncoded January 2009 High Efficiency BAN Option Uncoded No coding → Modulate bits directly using O-QPSK (or MSK) Recover bits with FM detection or differential phase detection Advantage: Higher spectral efficiency Disadvantage: No coding/processing gain z-1 I Q O-QPSK Modulation Bits Bits I Q Baseband Chip Filtering FM or Differential Phase Detection Detection Martin, Motorola
Simulated AWGN Performance January 2009 Simulated AWGN Performance 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -3 -2 -1 Eb/No (dB) PER Orthogonal Coding (MFD) Orthogonal Coding (DD) Uncoded (DD) Basic AWGN results Simulated in Matlab with 8 samples/chip Symbol sync modeled Otherwise ideal 256-byte payload Measured at 10% PER: Mode Eb/No (dB) SNR* OC-MFD 8.25 1.25 OC-DD 12.25 5.25 Uncoded-DD 13.0 12.0 *Assumes BW = 0.625Rc Martin, Motorola
Channel Simulations (900 MHz, 2.4 GHz) January 2009 Channel Simulations (900 MHz, 2.4 GHz) BAN channel delay spread is relatively low (doc.# 780r4) Body surface to body surface (CM3) < 15 ns at 900 MHz < 22 ns at 2.45 GHz Body surface to external (CM4) Delay spread not specified Power delay profiles not specified for 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz Use diffuse exponential model [1-4] to benchmark proposed PHY Martin, Motorola
Channel Simulations (32-chip Orthogonal Code, MF Det.) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January 2009 Channel Simulations (32-chip Orthogonal Code, MF Det.) Simple receiver synchronizes to the largest correlation peak. Performs well for RMS delay spreads as high as the chip duration, Tc. >> More than sufficient for BAN applications. Rc (Mchip/s) Tc (ns) 1 1000 2 500 4 250 8 125 16 62.5 Rayleigh fading, all channels used in analysis Martin, Motorola <author>, <company>
Channel Simulations (Uncoded, Diff. Det.) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January 2009 Channel Simulations (Uncoded, Diff. Det.) Simple receiver with differential phase detection. No equalization. Equalization or additional coding needed for delay spreads > 0.2Tb. >> Issue for 8 Mbps and 16 Mbit/s modes. Rb (Mbit/s) 0.2Tb (ns) 1 200 2 100 4 50 8 25 16 12.5 Rayleigh fading, all channels used in analysis Martin, Motorola <author>, <company>
Power Spectrum (32-chip Orthogonal Code) January 2009 Power Spectrum (32-chip Orthogonal Code) IEEE 802.15.4 250 kbit/s 2 Mchip/s 5 MHz channels Notes Spectrum similar to MSK. Effects of 32-chip code are visible. 2.6 MHz Martin, Motorola
Power Spectrum (32-chip Orthogonal Code) January 2009 Power Spectrum (32-chip Orthogonal Code) Wideband example: 2 Mbit/s 16 Mchip/s 22 MHz channels Notes Spectrum similar to MSK. Effects of 32-chip code more visible due to low ratio of RBW to signal BW. 20.8 MHz Martin, Motorola
Power Spectrum (Uncoded) January 2009 Power Spectrum (Uncoded) Narrowband example: 500 kbit/s 1 MHz channels Notes Spectrum of MSK. 0.65 MHz Martin, Motorola
Link Budget – 500 kbit/s uncoded mode January 2009 Link Budget – 500 kbit/s uncoded mode Martin, Motorola
Multi-Piconet Coexistence January 2009 2402-2483.5 MHz Band 16 non-overlapping channels (5 MHz spacing) with up to 2 Mbit/s uncoded, 250 kbit/s coded* 8 non-overlapping channels (10 MHz spacing) with up to 4 Mbit/s uncoded, 500 kbit/s coded* 2 non-overlapping channels (20 MHz spacing) with up to 16 Mbit/s uncoded, 2 Mbit/s coded* * (30 dB adjacent channel) Proposed 2360-2400 MHz Band 19 non-overlapping channels (2 MHz spacing) with up to 500 kbit/s uncoded, 62.5 kbit/s coded 902-928 MHz Band 13 non-overlapping channels (2 MHz spacing) with up to 500 kbit/s uncoded, 62.5 kbit/s coded Martin, Motorola
Crystal-less operation January 2009 Optional addition to the proposal By combining differential detection of coded a coded waveform with frequency-differentiated packet header, crystal-less transceiver operation can be achieved for chip rates 2 Mchips/s and greater. See IEEE 802.15-09-0006-01-0006. Crystal-less operation facilitates low cost, small form factor for minimal on-body devices. Martin, Motorola
Summary Preliminary proposal – scalable direct sequence waveform January 2009 Summary Preliminary proposal – scalable direct sequence waveform -- meets requirements of BAN -- low cost implementation features PHY-layer partial proposal – we welcome collaboration with other proposers Martin, Motorola