Learning Objective Success Criteria To explore the virtues of Salaah and punishments for not praying Success Criteria I can recall the six key beliefs held by Muslims. I can create an artistic list of the key beliefs using calligraphy and know why this is used by Muslims.
Unscramble the Words laeves Reets Lasaah Yek Ueabulfit dajsah
VIRTUES OF PRAYING Salah is the second pillar of Islam. Salah is the key to paradise. Salah stops us from doing bad deeds. Du’a made after Salah is accepted.
Abu Dharr said that once the Prophet came outside in autumn while the leaves were falling off the trees. Abu Dharr said, “the Prophet took hold of a branch of a tree and shook it until all it’s leaves began to fall. At this he said, ‘O Abu Dharr!’ I replied, “at your service oh Messenger of Allah.’ He said, ‘when a Muslim prays Salaah to please Allah, his sins fall off from him just as these leaves fell off this tree. Later on, Salman, who was a friend of the prophet, would do exactly the same, to remind people of what the prophet had said.
Punishments of missing Salah By missing Salaah knowingly, one commits a major sin and if one believes that Salaah is not necessary he will not remain a muslim anymore. Allah has no responsibility towards a person who misses Salaah intentionally. A person who misses a Salaah, it is as though he was lose all his family and wealth. People who do not pray their Salaah will be with the enemies of Allah on the day of judgement.
Anas narrated that the Prophet said, “A person who prays his Salah on time and performs Wudhu, Qiyam, rukus and Sajdah properly, his Salah appears bright and beautiful. The Salah says to the person,’ may Allah look after you just as you have looked after me.’
The person who does not pray his Salah on time nor does he perform Wudu, Qiyam, Ruku or Sajdah properly, his Salah appears dark and ugly. The Salah says to the person, ‘may Allah ruin you just as you have ruined me.’ Then, that Salah is wrapped up like an old piece of cloth and thrown at the person’s face.”
Salaah is the _______________ pillar of Islam ___________made after Salaah is accepted. Salaah stops us from doing bad ______________. Salaah is a key to ____________________. Give an example of a punishment that is given to those who miss Salaah, knowingly. What happens to the Salaah of a person who does not perform his Salaah on time without wudhu? Extension What happens to your sins when you perform Salaah? Draw a picture on the next page and write a short explanation of your picture.