Join us in prayer for CHINA
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
China has millions of people who live and die, generation after generation, without meeting even one follower of Jesus.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Animist/ancestor worshippers Many live in isolated rural areas, far from the major cities. They speak unwritten languages with no Bible. Pray for Christian friends to share the good news in person.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Hui Muslims The largest Muslim people group in China 11 to 20 million people, with few known believers Pray for ‘people of peace’ who will welcome Jesus followers to their communities and families.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Tibetan Buddhists Trapped in spiritual darkness and fear, Tibetan Buddhists spend their lives trying to appease the spirits in order to gain merit for their future lives. Only the hope and freedom of the gospel can release them from their bondage. Pray for opportunities to share life giving hope with Tibetan Buddhists.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known University students Millions of young Chinese study at universities across the nation. In this formative period of their lives, they are open to new ideas and new friends. What an opportunity to share about Jesus! Pray for Christian students also studying at Chinese universities as they seek to shine as lights for Christ.
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Uyghur Muslims Fewer than 0.02 per cent of the 12 million Uyghur know Jesus. Only sustained prayer will break through the barriers that have isolated them from the gospel for centuries. Pray that cultural, geographical, and spiritual barriers to the Uyghur peoples’ salvation be removed.
THE SIM TEAM Prayer requests from PLEASE PRAY: For more workers! We praise God for those who have joined us recently, but the task is urgent For spiritual breakthroughs For stable and sustainable visa options allowing long-term residence For favour with local officials For those learning language which is crucial for longevity and good communication For joy, strength, and wisdom for each day
Thank you for your prayers For more information, prayer resources, or if you are interested in serving, please visit