Time period after the Civil War when the South needed to be rebuilt.
This will help you support your family! Freedmen To All Freed Slaves: Forty acres and a mule! This will help you support your family!
Former slaves who were trying to make it on their own after the Civil War
Radical Republicans More power to freedmen! Let’s make the South suffer!
Members of Congress who helped freedmen gain rights during Reconstruction
To bring charges against a political official (like the president) for doing something wrong
TRAITOR to southern values! Scalawag Yeah, I’m a southerner but I do agree with Republicans that the freed slaves need more rights! TRAITOR to southern values!
White Southerners who supported the Republican actions to give freedmen more rights
Carpetbagger Northern States Southern States
Northerner who moved to the South during Reconstruction to make money
Black Codes STOP! STOP! Economic Power for Political Power for African Americans! STOP! Political Power for African Americans!
Southern laws that limited African-American rights after the Civil War
Abolitionists rejoice! Slavery is officially over! 13th Amendment Abolitionists rejoice! Slavery is officially over!
Ended Slavery!
14th Amendment Proud to be an American
Gave African-Americans citizenship
African-Americans get this right before women! 15th Amendment African-Americans get this right before women!
Gave African-Americans the right to vote
Person who rents and farms a plot of land Person who rents and farms a plot of land..and receives a share of the crop.
Poll Tax
Required a fee to be paid in order to vote
Literacy Test
Law which required people to be able to read in order to vote
Grandfather Clause
This allowed a person to vote if their father or grandfather had voted
Klan works to intimidate African-Americans. Ku Klux Kan (KKK) Klan works to intimidate African-Americans.
Secret society formed in the South after the Civil War to reestablish white superiority using violence.
Legally separated people by race (or other differences).
Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but Equal Separate but Equal
Supreme Court Case that legalized segregation and said “separate but equal” is fair
Jim Crow Laws Segregation in the United States!
Laws that enforced segregation between blacks and whites