National Ocean Industries Association The Role of Oceans in Energy Development October 19, 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona Ocean resource management includes: Resource evaluation and the oil and gas leasing programs Marine mineral resources (other than oil & gas, such as sand and possibly methane hydrates in the future) Environmental and compliance monitoring (we are watching) OCS inspection program (which involves uniformed inspectors) Environmental engineering research Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management -- C. Stephen Allred
U.S. Total Energy Production, Consumption, and Net Imports, 1980-2030 (quadrillion Btu) History Projections 32% Net Imports U.S. Consumption 30% U.S. Production Imports rise by 0.45 quadrillion Btu/year Annual Energy Outlook 2007
U.S. Petroleum/Liquids and Natural Gas Production, and Consumption, 1980-2030 (quadrillion Btu) History Projections Consumption Production Petroleum Natural Gas Petroleum Annual Energy Outlook 2006 and 2007 2
World Consumption and U.S. Energy Production and Consumption 1980-2030 (quadrillion Btu) History Projections World Consumption U.S. Consumption U.S. Production EIA/IEA Data
Outer Continental Shelf Five Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2007 – 2012
Emerging Opportunities & Responsibilities on the Outer Continental Shelf
OCS Renewable Energy Uses Examples: Wind Wave Ocean Currents