Ex post evaluation 2007-2014 of ERDF and CF: State of play Kai Stryczynski DG Regional and Urban Policy Brussels, 5 December 2013 Cohesion Policy
No. Work package Data collection and quality assessment (Daniele Vidoni) Contractor: t33 – Spatial foresight- ÖIR 1 Synthesis (Kai Stryczynski) 2 SME, innovation, ICT (Marielle Riché) 3 Venture capital (Daniel Moqué) Publication under preparation 4 Large enterprises Daniel Mouqué 9 Tourism + culture (Samuele Dossi)
Later work packages No Work package 6 Environment 7 Modelling the effects of transport projects (2015, internal work) 8 Energy efficiency 10 Urban development 11 European Territorial Cooperation 12 Delivery system 13 Geography of expenditure (breakdown to NUTS 3) 14 Effect on macroeconomic aggregates (Modelling, 2015, internal work)
Consultation on Commission Evaluation Policy Guidelines (Secretariat General) Please react to to this consultation! http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/secretariat_general/evaluation/consultation/index_en.htm Open until 25 February 2014