United Way of Metropolitan Dallas isn’t a single-issue charity United Way of Metropolitan Dallas isn’t a single-issue charity. We treat 360 degrees of need. We tackle complex social problems by surrounding North Texans with local solutions in the areas of Education, Income, and Health; the essential components of a thriving community. We don’t just do good, we go further and do more. And when you support us, you do, too. Because united, we help those who want to do good, do great. BRIEFLY describe your organization
THE PROBLEM What is the problem your business solves? For who? Define the problem and your clients/potential clients
THE PROBLEM Why is this problem: Important Impactful In alignment with United Way and GroundFloor How does the problem and your venture fit within United Way’s work?
THE SOLUTION How are you solving the problem? What is your value? Who are your competitors? How do you differentiate yourself from the competition? Describe your solution to solving the problem. HINT: YOU DO HAVE COMPETITORS!
THE INNOVATION What is innovative about your solution? Remember, we define social innovation as a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions.
SUSTAINABILITY PLAN What is your sustainability plan? How will you secure diversified revenue streams to ensure your can fund your work? Do you have a model that will allow you to continue your work and grow your work? What’s your plan to make your venture’s operations sustainable?
SCALABILITY PLAN Are you able to scale? If so, what does that look like? Have you thought about how to grow your impact work? What is your plan? Is it feasible? Are you willing and able to serve a larger market?
IMPACT MEASUREMENT How do you measure impact? What does future success look like for your venture? How do you plan to track the impact you’re making on the beneficiary population?
OUR TEAM Who are you (and your team)? What are your qualifications to run the business? Why are you the right team for this venture? Why are you the team that can bring this venture to success? Relate back to the “applicant” selection criteria –
INVEST IN OUR ORGANIZATION Why should GroundFloor choose to invest in you? How would you use the funding? With the funding, how many additional clients can you impact? Think about all three types of capital – financial capital, human capital, and social capital.