September 7th, 2016 AC ELA Brown
Learning Objective ELAGSE8L4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. Learning Objective- Choose and define unknown words that relate to content. Warm-up- Write three things you already know about poetry.
Task: Vocabulary Work Exceeded Standards- Identify the vocabulary word(s) you classmates missed. Create an anchor chart for the vocabulary words you think give students the most trouble. When making your poster, think how to explain the words easily. Met Standards- identify the words they do not know and create one of the following for each word: a visual representation with definition or an explained simile. Did Not Meet Standards- complete a vocabulary chart in their ELA Journal for further reference. You should have three columns: word, your definition, and example.
Poetic Vocabulary Verse Stanza Rhythm Meter Rhyme Scheme Alliteration Assonance Onomatopoeia Lyrical Free Verse Sonnet Haiku Elegy Simile/Metaphor Hyperbole Oxymoron Personification Idiom
Task- Classroom Blog Log onto the classroom blog. Read “The Raven” and complete the activities. You will need to be ready to discuss the poem in class.
What did you learn about poetry today? Closing Ticket out: Half Sheet Name, Date, Period Topic: What did you learn about poetry today?