Insights on industrial usage from NMI3 and SINE 2020 November 16, 2017 - Sitges ESS workshop: Best Practice for Industry Access to Neutrons Marc Thiry Industrial Liaison Officer Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Caroline Boudou Institut Laue-Langevin
Content Past: Industry service handled by facilities Present: Joint outreach approach in SINE2020 Future: Ideas for Improvements
Content Past: Industry service handled by facilities Present: Joint outreach approach in SINE2020 Future: Ideas for Improvement
Past: Industry service handled by facilities In most cases: Proprietary measurements for industry & peer review for academic users (sometimes with industry involved via cooperations) Via personal contacts No or very few dedicated outreach activities by neutron facilities In recent years: societal impact as a key performance indicator for LSF => formation of industry service groups, creation of industry dedicated programmes (e.g. ISIS Collaborative R&D Programme) Well known problems: Different approach academia/facilities vs. Industry, low awareness, IP issues…
Content Past: Industry service handled by facilities Present: Joint outreach approach in SINE2020 Future: Ideas for Improvement
Present: Joint outreach approach in SINE2020 Based on the findings of the Science Link project, the consortium of NMI3 decided to include an industry WP into SINE2020, which should organise joint outreach to European industry Information and Outreach: enhancing knowledge in industry about neutron analytical solutions by creating a Europe-wide network for outreach. Education and Training: training and educating industrial researchers in the application of neutron-based techniques. Access: offering a structured and direct access for industrial research to European LSF's through test measurements and feasibility studies
SINE2020 offer to companies until April 2019 Feasibility tests offered by 7 neutron centres across Europe! Request Evaluation of feasibility Experiment at neutron centre If not feasible with neutrons, we advice techniques and contacts (e.g. CALIPSOplus or BalticTRAM
Feasibility studies: main figures First call for applications launched in March 2016 ~18 days of beam time 23 requests 16 experiments scheduled Returning: BioModics (+ Stepan very likely) 1 returning company (+ 2 pending) 7 rejected (technically not feasible, confidentiality issues)
The EARIV European Analytical Research Infrastructure Village
The SYNERGI2018 event Involved projects: SINE2020 CALIPSOplus BalticTRAM ACCELERATE NFFA Enterprise Europe Network Industry Keynotes R2B matchmaking Breakout groups
Content Past: Industry service handled by facilities Present: Joint outreach approach in SINE2020 Future: Ideas for Improvement
+ - Statements of SINE2020 (WP4) Single entry point/proposal system Lead times often too long Joint outreach activities Support of individual, regional facility actions 2 FTP in WP4 Only few PMs at other partners Support by communication work package Feasibility tests serves as a promotion
Statements of the IAB “SINE020 still too much a project, it is not run as a business: change of mindset is needed” market analysis Determine customer demands Professional marketing Financial sustainability Still a “too scientific way” of working: • Putting industrial needs in a scientific scheme does not work • Lack of repeatability, accreditation, quality assurance
Statements of the IAB Measurement vs. Experiment Measurement provide given numeral information scientific investigation standardised procedure require sample specific optimisation standardised data analysis complex, non-standard data evaluation quantification and validation exploratory problem higher risk of failure => Turn more experiments into measurements!
Statements of the IAB “Too much a hammer to solve all your problems. Just supply neutrons is not enough!”
WP4 initial statements Marketing: Increase Awareness of impact (also at Management level) There is room for mediators i.e. specialised companies to make the bridge between end-customers and the scientific facilities. There is room for an organisation (e.g. a company) to centralise requests that cannot find answers using lab techniques. Strategy to establish external: market/TRL to target? prices? Access? Services? etc. Internal: contract/offer, scientists, beamtime allocation, automation, etc. regional: local experts/ILOs (sharing the language and the "industrial culture" of a given country) => regional hubs (“IReCs” in Baltic TRAM) Shared willingness from institutes! => Work in progress towards WP4 last deliverable!
How to get there? National programmes - e.g. LINX (DK), IRT Nanoelec(FR) (Inter-)Regional (Interreg) programmes (Science Link, Baltic TRAM) EU Programmes (H2020, FP9) Framed by a (finally) self sustained network of regional hubs (who offer the whole „toolbox“)
Contact Contact, application form and further Information: Work Package Coordination: Marc Thiry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht: Applications coordination: Caroline Boudou, Institut Laue Langevin (ILL): Twitter: @IloMarc
Thank you!