Content Approach the region in terms of quality Process in the formulation and implementation of the Code Technical structure of DANE, responsible for statistical quality. Development in terms of statistical quality in Colombia
Approach the region in terms of quality Regional Code of Practice Common language in terms of compliance with principles and best practices General conditions for producing official statistics ONE´S
Process in the formulation and implementation of the Code Discussion and consultation process Site workshops Virtual tools (e-mail and virtual workshop for socialization and a first phase of validation principles and compliance criteria) Challenges in the process of the implementation of Code of Practice Global assessments compliance the principles of of the code, with a set of experts. Recommendations and improvement plans.
DANE in terms of quality. Office for Analysis and National Accounts Office for production and Statistical Methodology Office for Census and Demography DANE Office for dissemination, marketing and statistical culture Office for Geostatistics Information Office for planning and Internal Control Office for Regulation, Planning, Standardization and Normalization Quality Managment System Statistical Quality
Development in terms of statistical quality in Colombia Quality objectives, standards and guidelines 1. Norms that regulates the procedures that aim to ensure quality 2.National Code Of Practice for Official Statistics. Quality assurance procedures 1. The self – assessments to strengthen administrative records. 2. The self – assessment to implementation the code of practice for official statistics to DANE. Quality measurement procedures 1. Definition of quality requirements for samples, administrative records and surveys, as part of quality assessment 2. Set of thematic experts.
Development in terms of statistical quality in Colombia Quality assessment procedures 1. Review and verification of compliance with quality requirements by the commission of independent experts. Quality improvement procedures 1. Definition of improvement plans for institutions evaluated. 2. Implementation and permanently monitoring the DANE to improvement plans.
Difficulties in implementing the instruments. Absence of a quality assurance policy, that articulates quality instruments and regulatory statistics, with the heads of the statistical production. In the case of administrative records, there are disadvantages in implementing improvement actions, because they are tied to a specific regulation on its subject. Absence of statistical culture.