LO: To investigate what happened at the Battle of the Somme MUST: be able to describe the events of the Battle of the Somme SHOULD: be able to explain why the Battle of the Somme was so bloody COULD: be able to evaluate whether General Haig deserves to be blamed or not
The Battle of the Somme The Battle was planned as a joint attack by the British and the French, however, the French were under pressure at Verdun so they could not join in. Douglas Haig wanted to delay the fighting so that his soldiers would have more time to prepare, but the French insisted so Haig organised the attack.
Why was it more difficult for the British soldiers to fight during the battle? They had to fight uphill.
What was supposed to destroy the German machine guns and barbed wire before the battle? An artillery barrage.
How many British casualties were there on the first day? Nearly 60,000!
How many men were killed or wounded by the end of the battle? 1,200,000!
Verdun Bonus: “The Mincer” What was the name of the town where the Germans and French were fighting? 2 VIVOS if you can remember the nickname given to the battle! Verdun Bonus: “The Mincer”
Why did the British launch the attack at the Somme? To take pressure off the French fighting at Verdun.
10 minutes Haig: Hero or Villain You have been given a card sort on the massacre at the Somme. Read each statement and decide if it shows General Haig as a Hero or a Villain of the Battle of the Somme. You then need to make a judgement Was Haig to blame for the massacre at the Somme? Provide evidence to support your decision. EXT: Now you have completed one paragraph on whether or not you think Haig was to blame, I now want you to argue against this. Use evidence to support this. 10 minutes