Products / Reflections / … UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES? NW-PULSE @ NW Biology instructors Conference 2016 One College, Many Locations SKAGIT VALLEY COLLEGE Hope Rindal, Cliff Palmer, and Susanna Heinze VISION – Improve communication across a multi-location college. MAIN GOAL– For all Biology faculty to meet together regularly throughout the school year. Photos should be at least 300dpi, but not more than 5-12 mgs each. Your poster is set to be enlarged 200% so do not change the page size to fit another poster size. Posters (3’ x 4’) will be printed at WWU using the same purchase order at the same time. Please email your poster as a PPT file to by Joann Otto at WWU by April 1, 2016. Please contact Joann Otto ( with questions about poster printing. Also please put your institution “logo” on your poster. Please note that this template is provided to simplify your effort to prepare a poster for the NW Biology meeting. You can change the font size, colors, column widths, add photos, institutional logos, graphics, etc. This template can also be used as a starting point and you can be as creative as you want in your poster. However, we would like to have all of the posters the same size and we will be printed at the same time, at the same print shop in order to easily pay for printing with one purchase order. ACTIONS BARRIERS & CHALLENGES Products / Reflections / … Biology faculty district-wide met together to work on joint issues on two separate occasions. Successful implementation of district-wide DE scheduling Improved communication regarding the scheduling of ground courses. Products: Course Outlines were revised using input from both campuses. Many years of negative interactions; reinforced negative stereotypes, and avoidance of conflict. Lack of consistent expectations and clear communication from administration SUSTAINABILITY We are concerned that these changes will not be sustained. What will help: Organizational structure that requires voting rather than consensus One person that is in charge of all Biology scheduling, rather than one person at each location. STRENGTHS & LEVERAGE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES? Persistence: Faculty are frustrated enough that they are willing to face potential conflict. We are currently in a time of increased conflicts. The current institutional organization, with Division chairs at one campus and Dept. Chairs at another, is being revisited. Greater collaboration inter-campus on grant work. Development of themes that occur throughout the entire pre-nursing series (example, cancer) RESOURCES & ALLIES FUTURE GOALS Exceptional support from our current Dean, who embraces our goals and seeks to help us however he can. Inter-campus planning for pre-nursing cohorts’ prerequisite scheduling. Use of Vision&Change Concepts in the implementation of our undergraduate research program. This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # 1345033.