Online Session 3.1: Planning for Needs Assessment and Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

Online Session 3.1: Planning for Needs Assessment and Analysis Tuesday, 15 May 10h00 – 12h00 (Geneva time) Please configure your audio & video for the Webinar Please mute once you have checked your mic Please message Fawad Hussain on webex chat or on Skype if you are having problems to configure audio

Establishing context specific baseline

Planning: Establishing context specific baseline Exercise (3 minutes) What is baseline? One example of baseline?

a known state by which something is measured or compared.  a benchmark which is used as a foundation for measuring or comparing current and past values. a minimum or starting point used for comparisons.

Planning: Establishing context specific baseline Establish or update Common Operational Dataset (COD’S)

Where to find COD’s Go to HDX Pick a location(Country) Click on COD’s Note what data sets are avaialable

What are the challenges of establishing baselines?

Availability of needs & response data and info gaps

Planning: Availability of needs and response data Before Crisis data & info Before crisis data In-crisis data Other CODs Disaster data Impact data Access data 4W Assessments Displacement Common Operational Dataset (COD) (Core) Common Operational Dataset (COD) (Other)

ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK (MIRA) Planning: Availability of needs and response data Analytical framework of information categories for secondary and primary data analysis. Crisis Impact Operational environment Scope and scale of crisis Conditions of affected population Capacities and response Humanitarian access EXAMPLE Affected people access to aid and aid actors access to people (interference to provide aid, violence again relief agencies, general conditions, population cut off logistically etc.) Primary Effects (Magnitude, Intensity, range, severity etc.) People in Need of assistance (How many? Where are they living?) Aid delivery (population targeted, reached, geographical breakdown, humanitarian actors / 3W) Secondary Effects: Vulnerable population groups and risks (age, sex, ethnicity etc. what are the risks) Population movement (displacement etc.) Capacity to respond (Government, UN, IO, NGO’s, LNGO’s, Private sector etc.) Pre- and post disaster, living conditions (survival needs, type of accommodation, assets) Losses (house, items, livestock etc.) Security and physical constraints (road block, airports, security advisory/restrictions etc.) Secondary hazards Status of basic services (Health, education, electricity, mobile etc.) Service disruption (water, electricity, mobile etc.) Damages (basic infrastructure, physical assets etc.) ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK (MIRA) Affected areas (breakdown of affected areas and severity)


3W Presence Organization Cluster Sub-sector Location At this basic level, the 3W Operational Presence (3W:OP) can enable organizations to help identify potential partners, quickly give a very rough understanding of an on­going response, and superficially identify potential overlaps or gaps in response.

3W/4W- beneficiary based Response data by target vs reach beneficiary (Power-Bi) Example of Response Data

https://www. humanitarianresponse (ActivityInfo) Example of Response Data

https://reliefweb. int/sites/reliefweb

What are your experiences of collecting response data from partners?

Localize Coordinated Assessment Strategy

Forming localize Coordinated Assessment Strategy Pre-requisite Leadership and decision makers commitments Coordination structure Understanding of stakeholder capacity Understanding of OCHA’s internal capacity Buy-in and ownership State of needs assessments Geographic scope of crisis AIM WG

Coordinated assessments Uncoordinated Multiple assessments Multiple methodologies Multiple reports Not systematically shared Harmonised (coordinated) Multiple assessments with common indicators Various interoperable methodologies Single or multiple reports Joint (coordinated) Common assessment form Common methodology Common report A “coordinated assessment” is an assessment planned and carried out by humanitarian actors in partnership, in order to document the impact of a particular crisis and identify the needs of affected populations. The results of the assessment are shared with the broader humanitarian community. The term “coordinated assessments” includes both joint and harmonised assessments (Operational Guidance for Coordinated Assessment in Humanitarian Crisis, IASC 2012) CLICK 1: Uncoordinated assessments are the reason why guidance on coordinated assessments was produced. In uncoordinated assessments, data sets are not interoperable, (CLICK 2) and the results can not be used to inform the overall analysis. It is nearly impossible to provide an overview of needs based on uncoordinated assessments, especially at the beginning of an emergency, if assessments reports are not shared or not well documented regarding their location, methods, and data. CLICK 3: In harmonised assessments, data collection, processing, and analysis is undertaken separately, however the data is sufficiently comparable (due to the use of common operational datasets, key indicators, and geographical and temporal synchronisation) to be compiled into a single database, (CLICK 4) and to be subject to shared analysis. CLICK 5: Joint assessment: data collection, processing, and analysis form one single and common process among agencies. This leads to a common report. (CLICK 6) This is sometimes also referred to as a ‘common assessment’. CLICK 7: Such assessments range from inter and intra-cluster/sector joint assessments (e.g. Haiti, Typhoon Yolanda, Pakistan) to intra-cluster assessments (e.g. Education Joint needs assessment in CAR, and lot of others) Increased coordination IASC Ops Guidance on Coordinated Assessments 2012

Types of assessment In-depth Assessment Initial Assessment Within 72 hrs of disaster/event Change in status quo of situation Significant humanitarian event Gauge the scale and severity of the crisis Locate affected populations Identify key affected sectors and main issues Rapid Assessment Within 2 weeks after disaster/event Change of status quo Significant humanitarian event Scope and scale of crisis/disaster Severity of affected areas Needs of different population groups Key priorities of affected population Identify critical problems In-depth Assessment In-stable conditions project development programme development Sector assessments Precise programmatic information Generate population stats and forecast Highlight issues in-depth

Q&A / Discussion Challenges of implementing harmonize assessments and joint assessments?