He aha te hau He aha te hau e wawara mai He tiu, he raki Nāna i a mai te pū- pū-tarakihi ki uta E tikina atu e au te kōtiu Ko ia te pou, te pou whakairo ka tū ki Waitematā I ōku wairangi ee Kōkiri! This prophetic moteatea was created by Titaha a rangatira from Ngati Whatua. Matua Doug brought this waiata from Unitec for us to learn and appreciate the rich history that relates back to this area.
Translation What is that murmuring sound Upon the north wind That cast my paper nautilus ashore Which I plucked from the north wind And thus claimed? It is the carved pillar that stands in the Waitematā Harbour That I see in my distressed state