Cell Analogies Cell Membrane Cell Wall Nucleus Cytoplasm Chloroplast Mitochondria Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Golgi Apparatus Lysosome
Cell Membrane Security and confinement helps confine the cell’s contents and controls what enters and exits the cell
Cell Wall Building strong walls cell wall provides strong structural support
Nucleus Library and copying service houses and protects the cell’s DNA
Cytoplasm Mixing it up the cytoplasm is a mixing area that speeds up the cell’s metabolism (reactions)
Chloroplast Energy capture and storage chloroplast makes sugar (glucose) from carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water
Mitochondria Making energy mitochondria consume sugar and oxygen and distribute the energy for all the cell’s activities
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Manufacturing and transport the ER helps assemble proteins and fats and transports them to the Golgi apparatus
Golgi Apparatus Shipping department the Golgi apparatus packages and ships products like enzymes and hormones
Lysosome Housekeeping and recycling lysosomes digest waste products and recycle worn out parts