The Circulatory System Structures? Types of Blood Vessels? Purpose of Blood Cells...
Structure of the Human Heart - Choices Darker blood vessel have no oxygen…. Septum left or right atrium right or left ventricle valve (4x) pulmonary vein pulmonary arteries aorta Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava
Structure of the Human Heart - Choices Darker blood vessel have no oxygen…. Septum - 8 left atrium - 3 right atrium - 12 right ventricle - 9 left ventricle - 7 valves (4x) - 6, 5, 11 pulmonary vein(2x) - 4, 13 pulmonary arteries(2x) - 14, 2 aorta - 1 Superior Vena Cava 15 Inferior Vena Cava - 10
Arteries vs. Veins Towards heart Muscles of legs and arms pump the blood through the body (valves) low pressure of thoracic cavity thin-walled wide slow Away from heart Heart is used to pump the blood through the body Thick-walled Narrow
Which is the artery? The Vein?
One-way vales are present in veins.
Plasma Mostly water (90%) 10% that remains…. Salts Sugars Plasma proteins Serum albumin: regulates osmotic pressure Globulins: help with immune system Fibrinogen: helps with blood clotting
Blood Cells Red White Platelets
Red Blood Cells Carry oxygen Hemoglobin Lack nucleus
White Blood Cells (leucocytes) Produced in bone marrow 20 different types: e.g. Macrophages: engulf bacteria Lymphocytes:produce antibodies to fight disease
Platelets clotting
Lymphatic System A one-way system that brings excess tissue fluid back to the heart. Lymph nodes sample this returning tissue for antigens (infections).
Keeton 15.03
The Circulatory System Structures? Types of Blood Vessels? Purpose of Blood Cells...