The Heart
Exterior Heart A. Brachiocephalic Trunk B. Superior Vena Cava C. Right Pulmonary Artery D. Ascending Aorta E. Pulmonary Trunk F. Right Pulmonary Veins G. Right Atrium H. Right Coronary Artery I. Anterior Cardiac Vein J. Right Ventricle K. Right Marginal Artery L. Small Cardiac Vein M. Inferior Vena Cava
Exterior Heart N. Left Carotid Artery O. Left Subclavian Artery P. Aortic Arch Q. Ligamentum Arteriosum R. Left Pulmonary Artery S. Left Pulmonary Veins T. Left Atrium U. Circumflex Artery V. Left Coronary Artery W. Left Ventricle X. Great Cardiac Vein Y. Anterior Interventricular Artery Z. Apex
Interior Heart
Interior Heart A. Superior Vena Cava B. Right Pulmonary Artery C. Pulmonary Trunk D. Right Atrium E. Right Pulmonary Veins F. Fossa Ovalis G. Pectinate Muscles H. Tricuspid Valve I. Right Ventricle J. Chordae Tendineae K. Trabeculae Carneae L. Inferior Vena Cava M. Aorta
Interior Heart N. Left Pulmonary Artery O. Left Atrium P. Left Pulmonary Veins Q. Mitral (Bicuspid) Valve R. Aortic Semilunar Valve S. Pulmonary Semilunar Valve T. Left Ventricle U. Papillary Muscles V. Interventricular Septum W. Epicardium X. Myocardium Y. Endocardium
Draw a diagonal line down the middle starting at the apex * Draw a diagonal line down the middle starting at the apex. * Label the RIGHT and Left sides Right Side Left Side
Located In the center of the thoracic cavity, between the lungs
Size Adults – two fists (put your fists together)
Heart Chambers Four Chambers: 2 atria (atrium = singular) on top G. Right atrium – receives blood from the body T. Left atrium – receives blood from the Lungs Left Right atria video
Heart Chambers Four Chambers: 2 ventricles (on bottom) J. Right Ventricle– Pumps/Sends blood to the lungs W. Left Ventricle– Pumps/Sends blood to the Body Left Right
Septum V. Interventricular Septum: Separates the right and left ventricles from one another
Valve Functions??? “Cardiac Cycle”
AV Valves 4 Valves 2 Atrioventricular (AV) valves (between the atria and ventricles) Valves prevent blood from flowing backwards
Valves Right Atrioventricular (AV) valve H. Tricuspid – between the right atrium and right ventricle Prevents backflow into the right atrium Valves prevent blood from flowing backwards
AV Valves Left Atrioventricular (AV) valves Q. Bicuspid /mitral valve– between the left atrium and left ventricle prevents backflow into the left atrium Mitre= bishops hat Valves prevent blood from flowing backwards
Semilunar Valves 2 semilunar valves Lunar= moon
R. Aortic semilunar valve – between the left ventricle and the aorta Semilunar Valves 2 semilunar valves R. Aortic semilunar valve – between the left ventricle and the aorta - prevents backflow into the left ventricle
S. Pulmonary semilunar valve Semilunar Valves 2 semilunar valves S. Pulmonary semilunar valve – between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery -- Prevents backflow into the right ventricle
Valve animations Valves opening and closing Individual valves opening and closing Valve Disorders