Sustainability Freshman Inquiry Nov. 18, 2009 Jeff Fletcher
Logistics Questions about group projects? Upcoming Event for HW 0 What did you learn on Tour? Upcoming Event for HW 0 Now listed on link from Daily Log page (at top) Readings for Monday Homework 5 (due next Wednesday)
Design Your Off-The-Grid Diet In small groups You are allocated a couple of acres of fertile land near Portland, plus what you can forage and hunt close by If you hand to sustain your group members (without shopping for food), how would you use this land? What would you eat? What would you plant? What would you raise? What would you gather, hunt/fish?
Questions for Consideration Are drinking water and sanitation a basic right or a need? Why are water and sanitation global health issues? 4
Is Water a Basic Right? “the human right to water entitles everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable and affordable water for personal & domestic uses” United Nations Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights November 26, 2002 5
Is Water a Basic Right? Water was determined to be a “Need” World Water Forum in 2000 Consequence – “Water is subjected to the supply and demand forces of the global marketplace, where the distribution of resources is determined on the basis of the ability to pay.” Maude Barlow and Tony Clark Blue Gold 6
1 in 5 people in the developing world 1.1 Billion People in the World Lack Access to Improved Sources of Water 1 in 5 people in the developing world 7