Australia’s Government SS6CG7.a
Australia’s Government = Federal Parliamentary Democracy Federal: small political divisions: made up of six states ( USA has 50) Parliamentary: the parliament/legislature makes the laws Democracy: people have individual freedoms such as the right to vote and freedom of speech and religion.
Branches: Executive Queen Elizabeth II is head of state though she is mostly a figurehead. She appoints the governor-general who represents the queen by fulfilling her duties in Australia. Prime Minister is the head of government. He/She is the one who runs the day-to-day business of the country. The prime minister is the leader of the political party with the most members in the Parliament. Unlike the USA, people elect the party that they want to have the majority power in parliament, and THAT party appoints the Prime Minister. Julia Gillard: Australia’s first female prime minister
Branches of Government (con’t.) Legislative ( Parliament) = They meet in the capital of Canberra. Two Houses: 1. House of Representatives= members to the H of R are elected from areas called electorates; one-person per electorate 2. Senate=each state and territory elects twelve members From these members a group is chosen to become “The Ministry” that advises the governor-general.
Branches of Government (con’t.) High Court = Judges are appointed to serve.
Australian Citizens Voters elect their leaders through party elections. Voting age = 18 years old Voting is compulsory (you MUST vote). Australians have personal freedoms similar to those enjoyed by Americans.