The State
States Defined Pre- WWII, earned Post-WWII, granted Sovereignty Req. diplomatic recognition = 194 Internal organization Territory Population Resources Pre- WWII, earned Post-WWII, granted GS ≠ self-sufficient ¤
Microstates What they are Mix GN/GS countries Size Economy Resources Security Mix GN/GS countries ¤
United Nations (1945) Purpose- video UN General Assembly António Guterres Purpose- video UN General Assembly Secretary General UN Security Council P5 + 10 = 15 ¤
UN Security Forces Prevention Peacekeeping Peacemaking Peacebuilding Neutral Peacemaking Armed troops Peacebuilding Rebuild Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) Armed offensive DR Congo ¤
http://www. telegraph. co
Sovereignty & UN Membership ¾ size The Mall in Washington D.C. Advantages of membership Sovereignty Formal recognition No UN membership ≠ state 1 Exception Aid Trade Security Collective security ¤
Challenges: Population Nation Culturally, historically similar Feel communal bond Want recognition Possible self-governance Nation-state 1 dominant nation Very few nation-states ¤ Wanna-Be States Taiwan Palestine Kurdstan Catalonia Basque State Nation-states Sweden Japan Thailand Somalia
Challenges: Population (cont.) Most just ‘state’ 2+ nations or lacks single ethnic identity ~85% of world Differences problematic Central African Republic ¤ Nation Country Arab Berber Moroccan Morocco Russian Chechnyan Turkic Caucasian Russia Chinese Malay Indian Singapore *4 official languages Canadian Indigenous Quebecois Canada Nation % of pop. Baya 33% Banda 27% Mandjia 13% Sara 10% 3 more <10%
Challenges: Internal Organization Need gov’t Need infrastructure GS more challenged Extreme case= Failed state Lack functioning gov’t All are GS ¤ Failed States Somalia South Sudan Sudan DR Congo Libya Syria Central Afr. Rep.
Challenges: Transnational Issues State has final say Self-interested actor Re: transnational issues Form IGOs Pressure to follow int’l rules GN, EEs more leverage Not addressing = problems ¤
Sovereignty v. Space Junk What is space junk?
Sovereignty v. Space Junk (cont.) Why is space junk a transnational issue? Sovereign states, businesses involved Debris Int’l Space Station, space travel Security against anti-satellite weapons Need IL ¤
Sovereignty v. Space Junk (cont.) How does state sovereignty affect addressing the issue of space junk? As transnat’l issue, need cooperation Self-interested actors Agree on IL? Who pays? Who enforces? Consequences Military usage/threats Claim sovereign ownership ¤
The State Recap States are sovereign UN Challenges Security Membership Nation v. N-S v. state Internal org. Transnat’l issues Need to cooperate Space junk ¤ State type Category Developed All GN Developing All GS Microstate Mix GN, GS Failed state A GS state