Answer the following questions in the margins: Monday Warm-Up: Read the poem by Sherman Alexie: “Why We Play Basketball.” Answer the following questions in the margins: Part 1: Identify what challenges might make them not play basketball. Part 2: Identify the reasons they love basketball. Part 3: According to the speaker, what is important about Seymour? Part 4: Identify all the ways basketball is like war, according to the speaker. Part 5: Identify the reasons they play basketball no matter what. Discuss the meaning of the last stanza. What do you think he is saying? Bonus: Find and identify three pieces of figurative language. Bonus 2: What’s the tone? What’s the mood? Explain each.
Today’s Reading Reindeer Games And a Partridge in a Pear Tree Go ahead and do your reading homework for tomorrow: Red Versus White Wake
Reading Calendar Changes (everything else is the same) Wednesday 11/8: Valentine Heart, In Like a Lion, Rowdy and I Have…. (Reading Quiz) Thursday 11/9: Because Russian Guys…, Remembering, Talking about Turtles (Assessment/Homework: Banned Book argument) Friday 11/10: Watch “Smoke Signals” Monday 11/13: Body Biography Activity
Wednesday Warm-Up What brings you JOY? Complete each square with as many things as you can think of.
Today’s Reading Valentine Heart In Like a Lion Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion about Basketball Reading Quiz before the end of class!
Thursday: Let’s finish the book! Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses My Final Freshman Year Report Card Remembering Talking About Turtles
Did you know ATDPTI is a BANNED BOOK? Read the three sources provided. We will watch the fourth source together. Complete the graphic organizer – 3-2-1. Write an argument paragraph defending your opinion.