FSS Trainer: Gina Weaver
What is FSS and what are the requirements FSS = Family Self Sufficiency FSS is a HUD program that encourages communities to develop local strategies to assist families in obtaining employment to gain independence and become self sufficient All participants must: Agree to a 5 year commitment Become independent from welfare Seek and maintain suitable employment Comply with their lease agreement
What are the responsibilities of the FSS Coordinator Insure FSS Program Participants are linked to necessary supportive services to achieve economic self sufficiency Document and submit FSS addendum changes to PIC Insure escrow is processed and/or disbursed
Training Agenda FSS case list Add a participant Reports Add a progress report Add an exit report Process escrow Process a disbursement Apply interest Close the month in TAR
Module Integration ORC TAR FSS Case List General Ledger
FSS Case List Change layout Sort by program type Balances at a glance
Add a Participant Participant information Family services information ITSP Credit worksheet
Reports Discrepancy FSS activity listing Contract of participation Escrow credit worksheet FSS disbursement Labels ITSPs
Add a Progress Report Add progress information Create etrans record
Exit a Participant Enter exit information Create etrans record
Process Escrow Use the wizard
Process a Disbursement Use the wizard Creates an invoice in Accounts Payable
Apply Interest Access tenant accounts receivable Use wizard
Close Month in TAR Closing the month in TAR will send FSS escrow account updates to the General Ledger