Roseville High School Athletic Department Athletic Parent Information Night
Athletic Mission Statement It is the mission of the RHS Athletic Department to inspire each student-athlete to extraordinary achievement in the classroom and in their respective playing fields everyday. Provide a comprehensive athletic program that emphasizes the development of lifelong learning, values and skills through hard work, sportsmanship ethical conduct and fair play. The program is based upon open communications and mutual respect among school administration, teachers, coaches, athletes, parents and officials.
Tiger Expectations Athletes will... Respect, On-task, Aware and Responsible (ROAR) These are the guiding principles we see to have every student-athlete at RHS both in the classroom, in the community and in the arena of competition. Tiger Expectations Athletes will...
Parent Expectations Parents will... Join us by engaging in all aspects of your student’s participation Attend games (both your students and other school events) Volunteer with the team Support teams both on and off the floor/field/court/pool Become a Roseville High School Booster member (see their table in Senior Square) Parent Expectations Parents will...
We believe that engaged and involved parents are integral to the success of our programs and and that our programs will be successful with strong relationships between coaches, players and parents Parents will be listened to and communicated with when issues arise and they will be walked through the decision making process when appropriate. Parent Expectations
Communication Protocols When concerns or issues arise please follow this chain of communication: Athlete speaks directly to the coach Parent/Athlete both meet with the coach together Contact Varsity Head Coach if in the Frosh/JV Program Athletic Director - Emily Dodds Assistant Principal over Athletics - Jason Wilson Principal - Dave Byrd
Preseason Team Meetings Every coach or program should have a preseason team meeting where they lay out to parents their expectations, rules for the season and how players will remain eligible within the program throughout the season. Parents/guardians of all athletes are expected to attend the meeting so they can be properly informed. Preseason Team Meetings
Player Eligibility Athletic Department Rules/Expectations Attendance A student must be in class for 2 full classes out of the four periods of the day in order to participate in a contest that day. Special circumstances that are pre-approved by the athletic department will allow the athlete to play. Academics Grades are checked every 5 weeks. Students must maintain a 2.0 and/or be passing 3 out of 4 classes. If they meet one of two criterias they can use their ONE time probation
If not academically eligible, the student-athlete is allowed to practice, but cannot dress or travel with the team for games. If there is a teacher error in grading, the teacher will have to submit a formal grade change before the student becomes eligible This does NOT include students turning in late work after grades have already been submitted Academic Eligibility
Transportation Meet me at the Game District Transportation Unless specified, players are responsible for coordinating their own rides to games - coaches cannot organize or drive athletes. District Transportation Buses will be provided for River Valley and Yuba City competitions. Release of liability forms will be provided by the coaches at the end of the game for students who wish to be signed out by their parent/guardian. Vans are available and used at the programs discretion. Many time drivers are needed (must be over 25 and approved through transportation) Transportation
In the Event of a Concussion Preseason - Each team will coordinate a time for the Baseline Impact Test for Freshmen, Juniors and any transfers. If you or a coach suspect a head or neck injury: Don’t Hide It - immediately report it to a coach Will be out of practice/game until cleared by a doctor due to no concussion OR will start the CIF Mandated Return to Play Protocol if a concussion is detected - must be asymptomatic for 2 full days . Doctor/Nurse/Coach/Counselor will work together to go through the protocol, given doctor clearance. At minimum the athlete will be out for 10 days. School may administer post injury assessment (24 hrs) If a student is NOT cleared academically, they will not be cleared athletically.
CIF Policies and Concussions If an athlete is pulled from a game who has suffered an injury to the head or neck, and allowed to return to play that day and/or play in subsequent games without a qualified doctor’s clearance, CIF will forfeit all the games they have played in! CIF Policies and Concussions
The following behaviors are unacceptable at all RHS events: Berating an opponent’s school or mascot Berating opposing players Obscene cheers or gestures Negative signs Complaining about officials’ calls (Number of officials is low due to crowd - losing more every year) Sportsmanship
Sportsmanship The Athletic Department expects ALL fans to cheer for their team and not against the opponents. The Athletic Department expects ALL players to respect the opposing team, the crowd and the officials. Those fans or players who choose not to abide by the rules of sportsmanship at our events will be asked to leave by the AD, a member of the school’s administration or a local city officer.
Recognition and Awards Athletes that remain in good standing (academically eligible and program standings) will automatically receive: Certificate Chenille - Sports Patch Block R - First time varsity players only 3 Sport Athlete - must remain eligible all year long Year Patch One time 3 Sport Patch 4 Year/3 Sport Athlete - must remain eligible all 4 years Embroidered blanket presented at Senior Award Night
Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger! Thank you for your time!