The Temperate Rainforest Pacific Coastal Forest
Tongass America’s Temperate Rainforest DVD (24min)
Climate and Geography Temperate Rainforest is defined as a forest in the mid-latitudes that receives more than 50-60 inches of rainfall a year (rainfall in SE AK varies from 48-300 inches per year) Mild, wet winters and cool, foggy or cloudy summers Winter temperatures rarely drop below freezing, and summer temperatures seldom exceed 80° Can be found in the Pacific NW of North America, New Zealand, Tasmania and Patagonia.
Temperate Rainforest Map
Climate and Geography The temperate rain forests of the Pacific Northwest develop where moisture-rich air from the Pacific Ocean rise and become trapped by coastal mountain ranges The moisture then condenses and returns to earth in the form of heavy rainfall and, at higher elevations, snow.
The “Rainshadow Effect” Visible rain shadow effect on the Tibetan Plateau
Geography The Temperate Rainforest of N. America spans from Northern California along the coasts of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia up to the Southeast panhandle of Alaska This biome is one of the rarest biomes as far as acreage goes, making up only about 0.6% of of Earth (mostly N. America)
Climate and Geography Basic characteristics/requirements for a temperate rainforest: Proximity to coast Presence of coastal mountains Minimal seasonal temperature variations (cool summers, mild winters) Lots of precipitation (hence the title ‘rainforest’)
Trees of the Temperate Rainforest Although climate of the Pacific Northwest varies considerably from Alaska to California, there are certain species of trees that are present throughout, which climatically unifies the region. These indicator trees are Sitka Spruce and Western Hemlock
Trees of the Temperate Rainforest Because of ideal growing conditions (lots of moisture, lack of temperature extremes), trees in the coastal rainforest grow very large.
Trees of the Temperate Rainforest Other indicators of the Temperate Rainforest are: Nurse logs - usually fallen Sitka Spruce upon which seedlings of trees grow. Colonnades - trees standing in a row as a result of getting their start on nurse logs. A profusion of lichens and mosses.
Trees of the Temperate Rainforest Other common species of trees are: Cedar Cottonwood Alder Douglas Fir Vine Maple Southern end of the range Bigleaf Maple
Successional Dynamics In temperate forests, ecological succession is a critically important factor in determining biodiversity.
What is biotic succession?
Under some conditions, particularly when major disturbances are rare, “old-growth forests” can develop.
Animals of the Temperate Rainforest Mammals found in the forest include the Roosevelt elk, black-tailed deer, cougar, black bear, river otter, Douglas squirrel, jumping mouse, and shrews and flying squirrrel While the trees and plants that make up the temperate rain forest are important, the animals that live there are equally vital.
Animals of the Temperate Rainforest Birds such as the western robin, winter wren, pileated woodpecker, varied thrush, gray jay, junco, and raven make their homes in the thick forest canopy.
Many specialized animal species, like the northern spotted owl, are found in old-growth forests. This makes them a particularly critical habitat, and the subject of many debates regarding conservation.
About $4 billion dollars worth Spotted owls have a home range of 800 to 2000 hectares in old-growth forests. Old-growth timber is valued at over $10,000 per hectare. So, preserving habitat for 500 pairs of owls involves how much timber? About $4 billion dollars worth
Early Successional Species Mule deer – Odocoileus hemionus
Late Successional Species Woodland caribou Rangifer tarandus
More animals Some other common types of birds in the Pacific Northwest are Clark’s nutcracker and the blue grouse.
And some more animals… A trip to the Temperate Rainforest wouldn’t be complete with out encountering……..SLUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working in the Temperate Rainforest
Temperate Rainforest Overview Lots of precipitation Cool summers, mild winters Large trees—ideal growing condtions High biodiversity High biomass (higher than tropical rainforest) One of the most unique (and therefore rarest) biomes on our planet