The Illiad First epic Tells the story of the Trojan War Helen of Sparta left her husband, Menelaus for Paris, Prince of Troy Causes the war About the ten year war between the Trojans and the Spartans Odysseus thinks of Wooden Horse Trick to end the war
The Odyssey Follows Odysseus on his way home after the war Lasts for ten years Audience knows the stories
The Odyssey Written by Homer Is an epic A long narrative poem that tells the adventures of a hero from a given civilization
The Odyssey Myths---stories that use fantasy to express abstract ideas about life Alter ego---spiritual or psychological reflection of a hero’s best qualities Rhapsodes---singers of tales Homeric or Heroic Similes---compares heroic or epic events to simple and easily understood everyday events
Characteristics of an Epic Physically impressive hero of importance Vast setting including most of the physical world and maybe the land of the dead Action by the hero taken as a journey in search of something of value Evidence of the supernatural Glorification of the hero at the end Rooted in a specific culture