Sarah Jones EEL 5666 Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory 8/6/2002 Panther Sarah Jones EEL 5666 Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory 8/6/2002
Summary of Talk Description of Project Future Plans Theory of Operation Integrated System Mobile Platform Actuation Sensors Behaviors Future Plans
Theory of Operation: Initialization
Theory of Operation: Follow Wall
Theory of Operation: Acquire Target
Integrated System Motorola’s M68HC11 on a Mekatronix MTJPRO11 board
Mobile Platform Rectangular platforms Two levels Treads Base level for obstacle avoidance Slopes to the upper level holding the turret Treads
Actuation Two servers to operate treads Projectile Launcher and Turret Motor for trigger action Motor for up and down motion Servo for side to side motion
Sensors Two Bump Switches Pyroelectric Sensor Two Radio Shack IR Detector Module One Sharp GP1U58 IR Detector Module
IR Experiment
Behaviors Actuation Obstacle Avoidance Collision Recovery Wall Following Launch Sequence
Future Work Software: Hardware: Reconnaissance Missions Return to Base Break beams for the turret IR Beacon
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