Fall 2018 CourseIntro
Course Description An introduction to the principles of visual and graphic design as they relate to electronic media with an emphasis on web page construction and design, creating electronic documents, and production and dissemination of electronic information. Students will be introduced to various graphics programs, web authoring tools and other technologies used to produce electronic documents and images. Assignments will allow hands-on experience and experimentation. Prereq: none
Course Objectives Upon completion of this class students will: Understand the process of web design Understand the principles of design in electronic media Demonstrate the skills needed to create web graphics Become familiar with the creation of PDF files Demonstrate the ability to construct web sites with effective and aesthetically pleasing designs Understand the limitations of electronic publishing as they relate to the World Wide Web
Instructor Rebecca Hall Email: rjhall@uwm.edu Ph: 414.229.2855 Office Hours: By Appointment This is me What I do
Course Requirements HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TEXT RECOMMENDED Jennifer Niederst Robbins. (2018). Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML,CSS, JavaScript and Web Graphics. O’Reilly Media, Incorporated. 4th Edition RECOMMENDED Jason Beaird & James George. (2014). The Principles of Beautiful Web Design SitePoint Pty. Ltd. Patrick J. Lynch & Sarah Horton. (2009) Web Style Guide 3rd Edition Available: http://webstyleguide.com/wsg3/index.html OPTIONAL Robin Williams, John Tollett. (2006). Robin Williams Design Workshop PeachPit Press. 2nd Edition ARTICLES & ADDITIONAL READINGS AS ASSIGNED ADDITIONAL BOOKS AND RESOURCES - listed on the course website
Course Requirements PROJECTS & ASSIGNMENTS Attendance & Participation (5%) 5 Exercises (15pts each – 15%) 5 Assignments (25pts each – 25%) Mid-Term Exam (75pts – 15%)) Graduate Research Project (50pts – 10%) Final Web Site Development Project (40% | 30%) Part 1: Project Profile Part 2: Information Architecture Part 3: Interface Design Part 4: Final Site Production Part 5: User Testing See course syllabus for details and deadlines *Graduate Students: Expectations will vary slightly on assignments and additional requirements will be distributed and discussed in class.
Content Delivery D2L – UWM’S COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM http://d2l.uwm.edu/ Weekly course content will consist of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on activities. The weekly course schedule will run from Sunday – Saturday. Course content will be loaded to the course website each week by no later than noon (12:00pm CST) each Sunday. Course Website: http://shinybytes.com/685/online/ File Storage OneDrive http://uwm.edu/o365/onedrive/ Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync, others…
Software Access SOIS Virtual Lab In this course, students will use the following software programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Acrobat. All SOIS labs and most campus labs have this software available. Students can also access this software using the SOIS Virtual Lab. SOIS Virtual Lab The SOIS Virtual Lab allows off-site students remote access to a SOIS computer from any location. Written/video documentation for access to and instructions on using the virtual lab environment https://uwm.edu/informationstudies/resources/it/sois-virtual-computer-lab/ To access to the virtual lab, please use the following ePanther ID: [ex: “rjhall”] ePanther Password: ePanther password Purchase (student Discount) | Free Trial Software A free trial of this software is available from Adobe Systems: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/ Students may choose to use these trail versions for this course; however no technical support will be provided for the installation/maintenance of this software on your system. It is the student responsibility to read and follow all system requirements and guidelines for its use.
Value of Digital Communication Skills DIGITAL AGE Digital Communication is a foundation skill In most careers, individuals will be required to: use technology to communicate effectively think critically to design a communication that meets the needs of a specific audience Select the best media for their message (web, video, audio, print, or multimedia) have the technical expertise to design, implement and deliver their message http://www.adobe.com/education/presentation/digital_communication/ Aho, K (2005) Digital communications for All Students Macromedia White Paper available: http://www.adobe.com/education/resources/hed/whitepapers/ enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skills.htm
Course Description Basic Design Principles Computer Graphics for digital communication Graphics Programs (Illustrator | Photoshop) Interface Design Concepts Web Development Process Web Team: Client | Project Manager | Content Manager | Information Architect | Interface Designer | Graphic Designer | HTML Developer | Programmer | Other Website design HTML & CSS | Web Authoring Tools (Dreamweaver) Electronic Publishing & Digital Communication (Adobe Acrobat)
Web Development Process Site Construction is one of the last steps The Site Development Process http://webstyleguide.com