HAQAA Initiative: Objectives, activities and structure of the ASG-QA Consultation workshop Addis Ababa, 16-17 November 2017
HAQAA= Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation EU Service contract 2015-2018 Element of the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership ‘Sister’ initiative of Tuning Africa Implementing consortium: University of Barcelona (coordinator), AAU, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), European University Association (EUA) and European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA)
HAQAA Objectives Objective: “Contribute to and support the harmonisation of higher education programmes and the creation of a revitalised, distinctive, attractive and globally competitive African higher education space, through enhanced intra-African collaboration” Development of a harmonised quality assurance and accreditation system at institutional level, national, regional and Pan-African continental level Boost for the implementation of ‘PAQAF’ (Pan African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework), an official AU commitment
HAQAA: Contributing to PAQAF Development of the African Standards and Guidelines for QA (ASG-QA) Major guiding document for the continent – Common language for QA and baseline standards and principles - To be politically endorsed Capacity building for QA bodies Building a Common Language for QA in Africa («HAQAA Training Course») QA Agency reviews/consultation visits for agency building (2018) Capacity building for institutional quality culture AQRM evaluations in 15 universities Stakeholder buy-in for PAQAF and promotion African QA platform and database: www.aau.org/haqaa HAQAA Training Course Advisory Board of key regional organisations
Online Consultation and Consultation workshop 2017 in review Technical Working Group (TWG) for the development of African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) Online Consultation and Consultation workshop Training Course on a Common Language for QA in Africa (Training course in Brussels, Bonn and Accra, FR and ENG cohorts, Personal Action Plans) Institutional evaluations employing the AQRM (15 universities in 5 regions)
This workshop Present the ASG-QA to key stakeholders (QA bodies, ministries, student associations…) across the continent Discussion Version 2 in depth, in working groups Generate perspectives from student associations on the role of students in QA Generate perspectives from regional and national QA bodies regarding the ASG-QA uptake and implementation Prepare input for the Africa-EU Summit
Break out groups Three rounds of break-outs to discuss each part of the ASG-QA Group 1: Bi-lingual (FR/ENG)- Plenary room Group 2: Anglophone – fourth floor Group 3: Francophone – fourth floor Chairs and rapporteurs from the TWG will rotate Participants of each break out group are pre-assigned
Break-out groups: Guiding questions Are the inter-linkage between the three parts (A,B,C) of the ASG-QA clear to everyone? Discussion of the ASG-QA standard by standard: Is each standard clearly addressed? Are there overlaps or redundancies? Should anything be merged?
Implementing team HAQAA website: www.aau.org/haqaa Elizabeth Colucci and Nicole Font (UB): ecolucci@obreal.org., nfont@obreal.org Violet Makuku (AAU) and Jonathan Mba: vmakuku@aau.org, jcmba@aau.org Paula Ranne (ENQA): paula.ranne@enqa.eu Gudrun Chazotte (DAAD): Chazotte@daad.de Goran Dakovic (EUA): goran.dakovic@eua.be HAQAA website: www.aau.org/haqaa