Do’s and Don’ts Some good advice on creating a business plan
Do (1) Produce a word-processed document Break up the text with headings and short paragraphs Check your plan for spelling and grammar Use short sentences and bullet points Make sure that any tables or graphs use a consistent style
Do (2) Cross reference summaries to Appendices and/or further information Check any financial information to make sure it is correct Consider using a cover or folder Start a new page for each main chapter Keep consistent formats for headings, bullet points and body text
Do (3) Be consistent in how you write proper names, dates, times etc Proof-read before giving the document out (watch out for missing words, repetition) Number each page Include a contents page (make sure its accurate) Give the plan a title and date
Do (4) Keep to the point Consider using a glossary of technical words Remember not to lose the passion!
Don’t (1) Use long paragraphs and sentences Use jargon that readers will not understand Make claims you can’t back up – but do make claims about which you are confident Use fancy paper, plain good-quality is better
Don’t (2) Include references and letters of support without consulting them first Use abbreviations that won’t be understood Use a mixture of fonts and styles Give away your only copy – keep the original, save copies
Don’t (3) Include information that has no relevance Include confidential information without checking what you can include Forget to include contact details where more information can be found Try to be funny – humour may be misinterpreted
Don’t (4) Leave the last words of a sentence or paragraph ‘orphaned’ on the next page Use colour and pictures randomly (could your plan be photocopied?) Use words or phrases that require your readers to use a dictionary Forget this is your plan and don’t be afraid!