Take Care of Your Pearls All picts from stock.xchng and in public domain.
Take Care of Your Pearls Kingdom of heaven. . . . Matt. 13:45 fine pearl, great value Matt. 13:44 hidden treasure Lk. 15:8-10 lost coin Eph. 6:1-4 parent’s gift to child
Take Care of Your Pearls Kingdom of heaven. . . . Don’t cast before swine. . . . Matt. 7:6 Eph. 5 not fellowship sin 2 Pet. 2:22 not return to world
Take Care of Your Pearls Kingdom of heaven. . . . Don’t cast before swine. . . . Not deceived by devil’s pearls Rev. 17:4 Satan, deceived nations, adorned with pearls
Take Care of Your Pearls Kingdom of heaven. . . . Don’t cast before swine. . . . Not deceived by devil’s pearls How can you protect your pearls? Mk. 4:24 take care what listen to Lk. 8:18 take care how listen Heb. 3:12 not have unbelieving heart Heb. 12:15-16 not sell birthright Rev. 2:10 faithful until death 1 Pet. 5:8 stay alert
Take Care of Your Pearls