Teachers get LONG Summer “Don’t worry. Teachers get LONG Summer Vacations.” Workshops, Conferences, Graduate Course, Curriculum Development, Technology Class, Making Presentations Melanie Lewis, Amherst County Public Schools
Santa Cruz Mentoring Program Continuum of Teacher Development Virginia Teacher Evaluation Criteria and Performance Indicators Work in a collegial and collaborative manner with peers, school personnel, and the community to promote and support student learning Santa Cruz Mentoring Program
FIRST YEAR TEACHING EXPERIENCES POSTITIVE NEGATIVE Like the Kids Survived 5 different preparations Felt welcomed and support of teachers Dept. members helped Lots of 1st year teachers Had a great mentor Some people just assumed I would figure it out Gym was separate and two new teachers teaching at the same time Too much work going home Overwhelmed Moved all over the school, floater
Phases of First-Year Teaching Attitudes Toward Teaching Anticipation Anticipation Survival Reflection Rejuvenation Disillusionment Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Santa Cruz Model
New Teachers and Veteran Teachers Face Curriculum New Teachers and Veteran Teachers Face Forms Forms SOL’s Forms Interims Pacing Develop a Thematic Unit ASD Setting Professional Goals T1 IEP’s Report Cards Team Meetings Student Performance ISS Discipline Procedures Parent Conference Attendance Lesson Preparation Committees Electronic Grade book Field Trip School Protocol and Traditions Attend Workshops Differentiating Instruction Incorporate Technology Classroom Arrangement Faculty Meetings Principal Observation Grading Papers Finding Resources
Beginning Teacher Attrition is a Serious Problem Santa Cruz Model
ROLE OF A MENTOR Santa Cruz Model
Mentor's Tools Santa Cruz Model
Strong School Community Identity Benefits of Mentoring Professional Standards Strong School Community Identity Strong Support System Inspirational Coaching Strong Collaboration Confidentiality Santa Cruz Model