The new Young Adults
Young Adults Today… More education is needed to survive in an information-based economy; Fewer entry-level jobs are available even after significant levels of schooling; Young people are feeling less rush to marry because of the general acceptance of premarital sex, cohabitation, and birth control; Young women feeling less rush to have babies given their wide range of career options and their access to reproductive technology if pregnancy is delayed beyond most fertile years.
Vocab Terms Chapter 12 Sections #3 & #4
Alzheimer’s disease Form of dementia It affects memory, thinking, and behavior. Leads to death.
Bereaved a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved
Dementia loss of brain function It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.
Ego integrity A belief that life is still meaningful even when you get older and you have physical limitations (Erikson)
Euthanasia practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering Assisted suicide
Hospice nursing home for the care of the dying or the terminally ill
Living will written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment Example: being taken off life-support
Senile dementia Severe mental deterioration in old age, characterized by loss of memory and control of bodily functions