Tabling of Annual Report in Parliament: 11 October 2016
Audit Opinion Financial Statements - Unqualified audit opinion with findings on Compliance and SCM - Findings mainly related to the following aspects: Revenue management (long outstanding debtors, interest on Lottery funds) Budget overspend (due to pressures experienced in Doping control as a result of issues experienced with the SA Doping Control in Bloemfontein SCM – competitive bidding process not followed fully and PPPF Act Framework not followed accordingly
Performance information Audit Opinion Irregular expenditure Resulting from budget overspend: R 4,6 million Procurement processed not followed accordingly: R 2 m Courier services (increased due to sending samples overseas for testing): R 1.6 m Other (Accounting fees, IT services, Repairs and maintenance): R 0.4 m Performance information - Unqualified with no findings - Targets Doping control Test numbers reduced in preparation for samples to be sent to Qatar Laboratory due to issues experienced with SADOCOL in the Free State
Audit Opinion Education Finance Targets exceed to increased networking and outreach efforts of the Education unit Finance Targets achieved, ENE process completed and database submitted within deadlines Quarterly reported submitted to SRSA and National treasury
Funding Treasury/SRSA grant Lottery funding Budget allocation of R 19.816 million Overspent by approximately R 6.6 million due to pressures experience by Doping control unit as result of issues experienced with SADOCOL in Bloemfontein, resulting in samples being sent overseas for testing which is costly Lottery funding Lottery funding available at beginning of the year: R 11.589 million Budgeted spending for the year: R 8.841 million Actual spending for the year: R 7.576 million All funding related to Doping control was utilised Funding remaining is mainly for education purposes