Niels Holmberg Assistent fire safety inspector First responder coordinator
29.000.000 passengers in 2017 In a few years more than 40.000.000 passengers per year
29 defibrillators in the terminal area Security guards and cleaning staff are instructed how to use it Operation center can guide to the nearest defibrillator
Falck has 13 electric cars with a defibrillator They have a pager from us If there is a car nearby an incident – Falck will send it
Since 2002 we have registered 55 cardiac arrests in the airport area 37 of them were transferred to the ambulance with breathing Survival rate is 67 %
Operation center receives an emergency call 2 dispatchers listens to the call 1 calls the ambulance 1 calls the First Responders
2 firestations with each a team of 7 firefighters One firestation has 2 first responders on call The other firestation has two first responders as back up
First responders equipment Defibrillator Life pack 15 and Life pack 12
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