Jeopardy Opening Robert Lee | UOIT
Static Induction/ contact Cells and batteries Circuits $10 0 $10 0 $10 0 $10 0 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Game Board
They repel A: What happens when two negative charges meet. Geography: $100 A: What happens when two negative charges meet. They repel
Category 1: $200 A: What is the process called when two objects are rubbed together and create a charge Friction
What charges will fur and ebonite receive when rubbed together? Category 1: $300 What charges will fur and ebonite receive when rubbed together? Ebonite=negative Fur= positive
How do dryer sheets work? Category 1: $400 How do dryer sheets work? Covered in wax, when tumbling wax coats clothes it prevents an exchange of electrons
Name 2 ways that grounding is important Category 1: $500 Name 2 ways that grounding is important -prevent sparks and explosions with gas tankers, lightning, electrical equipment
Category 2: $100 When a negative charge contacts a neutral object it will get what charge? negative
As the distance between two charges increases the force between them…. Category 2: $200 As the distance between two charges increases the force between them…. decreases
Category 2: $300 An object that has had a permanent positive charge induced, the charging object had what charge? Negative
What is an induced charge separation? Category 2: $400 What is an induced charge separation? Separation of charges in a neutral object in relation to an electric field without contact
Category 2: $500 When inducing a charge permanently with a negative object the resulting charge will be ? Positive
What are the two main components of a voltaic cell Category 3: $100 What are the two main components of a voltaic cell Electrode Electrolyte
Difference between a dry and wet cell Category 3: $200 Difference between a dry and wet cell Liquid vs. paste
Explain the function of an electrolyte in a cell Category 3: $300 Explain the function of an electrolyte in a cell Allows ions to flow between electrodes, interacts with electrodes releasing electrons and ions.
Category 3: $400 When does a battery die? When no more chemical reactions can take place (the electrode is used up)
Category 3: $500 Describe how a solar cell works and why it is better for the environment Photons hit silicon atoms releasing e-. Secondary cell, less waste, no fuel
A circuit with a gap or break that prevents the flow of e- Category 4: $100 What is an open circuit? A circuit with a gap or break that prevents the flow of e-
Unit of charge that represents the energy from 6.25X1018 electrons Category 4: $200 What is a coulomb? Unit of charge that represents the energy from 6.25X1018 electrons
Unit of current. Flow of charge/time (C/s) Category 4: $300 What is an ampere? Unit of current. Flow of charge/time (C/s)
What factors affect resistance and how? Category 4: $400 What factors affect resistance and how? Length(longer increases), temperature (hotter increases), cross section (thinner increases), more loads increases,material
Explain potential difference and formula Category 4: $500 Explain potential difference and formula The amount of potential energy used (J)/ unit charge (C)
How much do you want to wager? Daily Double 1 Wager
What is the current per bulb in a parallel circuit with 4 bulbs What is the current per bulb in a parallel circuit with 4 bulbs. The resistance in 10 and the voltage is 40V. 1Amp Daily Double 1 Q & A
The category is: Loads in parallel Final Jeopardy Wager The category is: Loads in parallel How much do you want to wager?
What happens to voltage, resistance and amperes when loads are put in parallel R decreases V= same throughout circuit I= current is divided, sum of currents through each parallel connection equals the current entering the connection Final Jeopardy Q & A
Game Over