Perspectives on Exploration Chapter 2
Engage Your Brain Look at the following two sayings. Ask yourself what is similar about these two well known sayings? One person’s meat in another persons poison. What some call work, others call pleasure. Brainstorm with a partner.
So What are the Similarities? The similarity is that they recognize that people can have different experiences of the same circumstances. European exploration was extremely similar. The French, the British and the First Nations people all had very different experiences with exploration. Read page 45 quietly with a partner. Come up with a saying that would be suitable for this page. Here is an example: One persons “explorer” is another persons “invader”
Respond Page 45 Some Canadians think of Giovanni Caboto as an “explorer.” Others have a different perspective. For example, Dr. Daniel N. Paul, a Mi’kmaq author and journalist, describes Caboto as an “invader.” Work with a partner to answer the following questions: What are the characteristics of an explorer? Brainstorm at least three words. Brainstorm a list of at least three words that describe an invader. To what extend might Giovanni Caboto have the characteristics of both an explorer and an invader? Choose at least one workd from each list and explain your choice.
Characteristics of an Explorer What are our class ideas? Curious, brave, ambitious, determined, adventurous, risk-taking
Characteristics of an Invader Our class ideas: Violent, self-centered, ethnocentric, arrogant, conquering, demanding, powerful, self-assured
Giovanni Caboto Characteristics of an explorer: Characteristics of an invader: Caboto was brave (he explored new lands, it was dangerous, and he eventually died at sea). He also conquered new lands. (he claimed lands without thinking of the rights of First Nations People)
Imperialism A policy (decision) on the part of a ruler or government of one territory to dominate other territories.
Imperialism Notes While imperialism was a factor in the development of Canadian Society, Canadian Society today does not endorse the values of imperialism. Different people have different perspectives on the nature of Canadian Society today. People have different perspectives on how much our society has moved away from the ideals and values of imperialism. For example: imperialism has its roots in discrimination and prejudice which remains a problem in our society today.
Imperialism Why did Europeans think it was okay to dominate other lands and people? Economic and social factors are involved. Economic factors have to do with making a living Social Factors have to do with the roles and behaviors of a people in a society. They experienced “push-pull” factors: disruption of trade to Asia, supply and demand, making a profit off of Asian Goods. Economic Competition (wanting to make the most money) Social factors had to do with Europeans belief that they were superior to other people (ethnocentrism). They believed they did not need to consider the rights of “inferior” people (anyone not European or Christian).