Applied technology and business
Goal Provide high quality Career Technical Education utilizing up-to-date technology, innovative instructional strategies and industry driven curriculum.
NeeDs Computer labs and classrooms for Business/Computer Applications that represent the tools required in business today A specifically designed Computer Numerical Control lab A specifically designed Electronics Lab Appropriate space for expanded Automotive programs Training Facility for Fire Technology Industry and Student Interactive Space Updated Faculty Offices
Wants Based on Industry Sectors Clean Room Manufacturing and Engineering Integrated Space
Buildings – 1500/1600 Footprint is large enough to accommodate: Multiple interactive classrooms and computers labs CNC Lab Electronics Lab Clean Room Engineering Room Interactive Student/Industry Space Faculty/Division offices
Other Fire Training Facility Approached by Hayward Fire Department for a collaborative training facility Requested for EMS and Fire to partner in every aspect Will require some commitment of funding, but significantly less that if we were building our own facility
Automotive Current storage is in the Butler Building If the Butler Building is altered/removed/etc, we will need to find other space. Dream would be to have an Automotive Complex
Request for priorities Fire/EMS Training Facility – immediately to meet the timelines along with Hayward Fire Department Renovation of 1600 for Industry-standard Classrooms and Labs Renovation of 1500 to expand the footprint and include CNC, Engineering, Electronics, and Clean Room and Faculty/Division office upstairs Renovation of 1600 for Industry/Student Interactive Space including a MakerSpace and small breakout rooms Automotive Complex (minimum – storage for cars)