With Genetic Analyzers from Applied Biosystems Applications With Genetic Analyzers from Applied Biosystems 11/28/2018
there’s a range of applications to choose from…… Introduction there’s a range of applications to choose from…… Genetic Analyzers from Applied Biosystems are, in the main, thought of as instruments for applications such as Sequencing and Fragment analysis - with the instruments often referred to as ( DNA Sequencers) Even though this is true , there are Several different applications for Sequencing as well as Fragment Analysis. 11/28/2018
Direct Sequencing remains the only way to prove mutations exist. The most obvious sequencing applications is detecting primary sequence data as in de novo sequencing or checking clone constructs. Using MicroSeq® System for microbial and fungal identification for quality control in pharmaceutical and food . Some Genetic Analyzers are used as instruments platform for diagnostic kits such as ViroSeq™ System. 11/28/2018
Many applications are used to establish a genotype by Sequencing, known as Resequencing or Comparative Sequencing SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) analysis, uses for mapping purposes; and heterozygote detection. Mutation Profiling; the genetic variation among a population; comparing to a reference sequence to locate class of mutation. mtDNA sequencing (mitochondrial DNA), using the stability of mtDNA for discrimination and identification of individuals. 11/28/2018
SAGE™ (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression) method for quantitative genome-wide gene expression pattern analysis. Methylation analysis to analyze the activity status of an expressed gene. SeqScape® software is the ultimate tool for all applications where a sequence is compared to a reference. 11/28/2018
Genotyping by Fragment-based Applications There are 3 methods using micro-satellite analysis: Micro-satellite Genotyping using in Forensics/HID (Human Identification) by specific STRs (Short Tandem Repeats). 11/28/2018
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2. MSI (Micro Satellite Instability) for example; LOH (Loss Of Heterozygosity) 3. VNTR (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) is a published method for molecular typing of microbials and other species, AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) is for molecular typing of plants, microbials and other organisms, and RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), tRFLP (Terminal RFLP) and BAC fingerprinting. 11/28/2018
Bacterial Artificial Clones (BACs) are large segments of DNA, 100,000 to 200,000 bases from another species cloned into bacteria , therefore they are digested with appropriate restriction enzymes, labelled and the labelled fragments are separated on the genetic analyzer, this fingerprint is then compared to the fingerprint of other BAC clones leading to physical map. 11/28/2018
Microsatellite Analysis is well used for : ANIMAL GENOTYPING and Pedigree Analysis, for example in Cattle, Horse or Dog. TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes) A group of organisms is treated with mutagen agents, and of these all individuals with the wanted phenotype are separated and checked for mutations 11/28/2018
A wide range of additional applications can be performed with Genetic Analyzers Another application for Genetic Analyzers from Applied Biosystems is general sizing of PCR products. DNA protein binding assays, where DNA protein interaction can be studied using footprinting assay. 11/28/2018
For Further Information & scientific support please contact: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah Product Specialist Molecular Biology AnalysisAB Co. Mobile: 012 27 906 74 E-mail: mohamed.abdelfattah@analysis-ab.com 11/28/2018