The Ancient Hebrews and the Origins of Judaism Study Guide Chapter 11: The Ancient Hebrews and the Origins of Judaism Name:__________________________ Color: ___________________ What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism? What is the Torah? WHY is it important to the study of Judaism? Describe Abrahams covenant with God. Why did God change Abram’s name to Abraham? Define descendants:___________________________________________________________ Why did the Israelites move to Egypt? ____________________________________________ Where is the ‘promised land’?_____________________ List the following events in order in which they occurred, number 1 being the first event. ________ Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai ________the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt. ________Abraham leaves Ur, Mesopotamia for the land of Canaan ________King David unites the Israelites into one Kingdom _________Moses parts the Red Sea _________King Solomon builds the first temple in Jerusalem Define Exodus:_______________________________________________________________ What happened to Moses on Mt. Sinai? Define prophet:______________________________________________________________ Who is David? List two of this major achievements to the development of Judaism.
Where are they going? _________________ 13._____________________is the holy city of Judaism. Why is it considered sacred? 14. What is King Solomon's greatest contribution to the development of Judaism? 15. In the image to the right, who is the figure in the center? What is he doing? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 16. The people on the bottom left and right corners are Israelites(Hebrews), where are they coming from?________________________ Why were they there? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Where are they going? _________________ 19.You will be responsible for labeling a map of the ancient region of Canaan; including… Jordan River Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Nile River Sinai Peninsula Kingdom of Canaan/Israel Euphrates River Egypt Jerusalem.
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The Ancient Hebrews and the Origins of Judaism Study Guide Chapter 11: The Ancient Hebrews and the Origins of Judaism Name:__________________________ Color: ___________________ What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism? What is the Torah? WHY is it important to the study of Judaism? Describe Abrahams covenant with God. Why did God change Abram’s name to Abraham? Define descendants: ________________________________________________________ Why did the Israelites move to Egypt? ____________________________________________ Where is the ‘promised land’?_____________________
List the following events in order in which they occurred, number 1 being the first event. ________ Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai ________the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt. ________Abraham leaves Ur, Mesopotamia for the land of Canaan ________King David unites the Israelites into one Kingdom _________Moses parts the Red Sea _________King Solomon build the first temple in Jerusalem Define exodus: ________________________________________________________ What happened to Moses on Mt. Sinai? Define prophet: ________________________________________________________ Who is David? List two of this major achievements to the development of Judaism.
13. _____________________is the holy city of Judaism 13._____________________is the holy city of Judaism. Why is it considered sacred? 14. What is King Solomon's greatest contribution to the development of Judaism? 15. In the image above, who is the figure in the center? What is he doing? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 16. The people on the bottom left and right corners are Israelites, where are they coming from?________________________ Why were they there? ______________________________________________________ Where are they going? _________________
19.You will be responsible for labeling a map of the ancient region of Canaan; including… Jordan River Nile River Sea of Galilee Sinai Peninsula Dead Sea Kingdom of Canaan/Israel Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Euphrates River Egypt Jerusalem.
The History of the Ancient Israelites -- REVIEW A. God’s Covenant with Abraham Abram was born in __________________ At the age of __________ Abram was instructed by God to leave Mesopotamia and go to _______ God told Abram , “Your _____________ will be as numerous as the ____________” God made a special agreement, or ______________ that would favor and protect Abram’s nation In return, Abram agreed his children and relatives, or ____________________ would devote themselves to God God renamed Abram __________________ which means __________________________ The Israelites believed that God’s covenant with them was a sign that they were a __________people and that Canaan was their _______________ land B. The Enslavement of the Israelites A _____________(shortage of food) in Canaan forced the Israelites to journey to Egypt Jacob and his descendants “increased in numbers and became very _______________” in Egypt Pharaoh Amose was afraid the Israelites were growing too powerful and that they might join Egypt’s __________ and wage war against Egypt. He ____________ the Israelites and hired stern _______________ to force the Israelites to build ____________, ____________, __________________, ______________ and _________________ They were poorly _____________ and severely _____________ Despite these poor conditions, the Israelites continued to grow in number and Pharaoh Seti I ordered all ____________ Israelite males to be killed The baby, __________, escaped this fate and changed the history of the Israelites forever C. The Exodus from Egypt Moses’ mother was afraid her newborn son would be killed so she put the baby in a ______________ and sent it down the Nile River The pharaoh’s _______________ found Moses and took him home and raised him as her own son When Moses was an adult, he saw an Egyptian beating an ____________ slave and he struck and killed the ___________ He fled east to the ____________________ to escape punishment for murder.
God heard the cries of the _________________ Israelites and appeared to ____________________ and instructed him to return to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of slavery and back into the ____________ _____________ of ________________________ Ramses refused to free the Israelites and God brought down a series of terrible ______________ on the Egyptians including swarms of ____________, ______________ and _______________________ Ramses II gave in and let the Israelites leave Egypt. The Torah refers to this event as the _____________ meaning “_________________________________________________________” Ramses changes his mind and orders his army to pursue them. The army chases the Israelites to the banks of the __________ _________. On God’s instructions, Moses raises his ____________ and the waters parted and the Israelites crossed unharmed. When the Egyptian army attempted to cross, Moses raised his staff again and the Egyptians _______ The Israelites believed that this was a ____________ so they placed their faith in _________ and their new _______________ D. Moses receiving the Ten Commandments Moses led the Israelites out of eastern Egypt and south into the wilderness of the __________________ When they reached Mount _______________, Moses went to the top to receive the ___________ ________________ from _____________ These commandments, or ________________ ______________ were engraved on two tablets of __________ and are the ______________ of the Jewish religion. The first one said the Israelites should worship only _______ ____________ Other commandments provided guidelines for moral ( ) behavior which included honoring your ____________ and ________________ As long as the Israelites promised to live according to the Ten Commandments. God promised to _______________________________________________________ God instructed Moses to build a magnificent _________ and _________ sacred chest called the ______ This became known as the _______ of the ______________ because it symbolized the _____________ between God and the Israelites The Israelites also built an elaborate tent made of wood, gold, and rich fabrics called the ________________________________________ --- The Israelites first _____________________ The Tabernacle housed the Ark as the Israelites continued their journey to the _______________ land of ___________________________