Introduction To the Suicide Prevention Online Learning Center Perri Rosen, PhD, NCSP Project Director, Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant April 24, 2018
Youth Suicide in Pennsylvania 2nd leading cause of death in youth in PA (CDC, 2015) Survey Item “In the past 12 months…” Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2015) Pennsylvania Youth Survey (2015) Considered suicide 16% Had a suicide plan 14% 13% Attempted suicide 8% 10% Needed medical treatment for suicide attempt 3% 2% Felt very sad or hopeless for at least 2 weeks 28% 22% (Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2015) (Pennsylvania Youth Survey, 2015)
PROJECT GOALS Project Goals Increase the number of staff in schools, colleges, and universities trained to identify/refer youth at risk for suicide youth screened and referred for treatment clinical service providers trained to assess, manage, and treat youth at risk for suicide Increase awareness about youth suicide prevention among youth, families, educators, and community members Implement sections of the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention to reduce rates of suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths Promoting state-wide, systems-level change to advance suicide prevention efforts
Act 71 Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each school entity shall Adopt suicide prevention policies and procedures Develop a professional development plan to provide 4 hours of suicide awareness and prevention training every 5 years for educators in grades 6-12 Any policy adopted by a school entity shall include Protocols for administering youth suicide awareness and prevention education to staff and students
Suicide prevention online learning center
overview Trainings based on role Courses/classes Pre-test/post-test Certificates of completion Print transcript for Act 48 credit
Trainings Act 71-related trainings Act 71 Policy Webinar Youth Suicide Prevention for Educators Course (8 classes) School and Community-based Prevention Interventions to Prevent Adolescent Suicide School and Community Mental Health Professionals Assessment and Clinical Management of Suicidal Youth Effective Safety Plans Concussions, Depression, and Suicidal Risk: Assessment and Clinical Management Legal and Ethical Issues in Assessing and Treating Youth and Young Adults At-Risk of Suicide Health Care Professionals Integrating Behavioral Health Services with Primary Care Pharmacotherapy of Pediatric Anxiety and Depression Other In Search of a Safer World: How Can We Protect Our Youth from Gun Violence? Method Restriction: Primary Care and Public Health Approaches
Courses under development Crisis Response/Suicide Risk Assessment Series Risk Assessment School Reentry School District Crisis Response Procedures (with feedback from educators from rural, urban, and suburban Pennsylvania schools) Youth Suicidality and Trauma-Informed Care Cyber School Suicide Prevention Policy and Procedures Family Engagement
TranscriptS & Certificates
Youth suicide prevention for educators course Suicide Prevention 101 and Debunking Myths School-Related Epidemiology Risk and Protective Factors Warning Signs Review of School District Policies and Procedures How Educators Can Respond to Youth about Whom They are Concerned Safe Messaging Postvention
Facilitator Guides Learning Objectives Rationale/Background Pre/Post Evaluations Discussion Questions Activities Resources
Site Demo Suicide Prevention Online Learning Center
Suicide Prevention Online Learning Center NOW LIVE. www Suicide Prevention Online Learning Center NOW LIVE! To learn more, please contact Perri Rosen, PhD, NCSP Project Director, Garrett Lee Smith Grant (717) 772-7858 – office (717) 303-4611 – cell