The Fertile Crescent The Tigris & Euphrates Rivers form a vast watershed system the stretches from what is now Turkey through Syria and Iraq to the Persian Gulf. In ancient times the people called this area Mesopotamia = The Fertile Crescent. Throughout Mesopotamia, native cereal grains provided food for tribes of nomadic hunter-gatherers.
Early Civilizations Throughout time the nomadic hunter-gatherers learned to cultivate these native grains in the rich soil. They began to harness the water of the mighty rivers to increase their crop yields. The nomads became farmers living in settle villages. Ample food supplies led to the developed technologies and organized social structures. These developments enriched their lives and ensured their survival. The ancient farmers developed the first civilizations.
What is a Civilization? To be considered a civilization, a society must posses five key elements: Centralized Government Organized Religion Job Specialization and Social Classes Arts, Architecture, and Public Works Writing
The Sumerians developed the first civilization in Mesopotamia The Rise of Sumer The Big Idea The Sumerians developed the first civilization in Mesopotamia
Key Terms Rural- countryside areas Urban city areas City-state- a city and all the countryside around it Gilgamesh- one of Uruk’s kings became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature Sargon—first ruler to have a permanent army Empire- land with different territories and peoples under a single rule Polytheism- the worship of many gods Priests-people who performed religious ceremonies Social hierarchy- the division of society by rank or class
An Advanced Society The City-States of Sumer Most people were farmers; Urban areas were centers of Sumerian society Some of Sumer’s cities had more than 100,000 residents City-states in Sumer fought each other to gain more farmland They developed strong armies Built strong walls around their cities for protection
Rise of the Akkadian Empire Akkadians lived north of Sumer Spoke a different language Sargon built a new capital, Akkad, on Euphrates River (near present day Bagdad First ruler to have a permanent army Defeated all of the Sumerian city-state First empire Stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea Sargon ruled for 50 years- Eventually, Sumer regained power, rebuilding city-state of Ur
Religion Shapes Society Sumerian Religion Polytheism- worship of many gods Some of their gods: Enlil- the lord of the air Enki- god of wisdom Inanna- goddess of love and war Utu & Nanna - sun & moon Each city-state had one god considered to be its protector
Sumerian Social Order King Scribes Craftsmen Artisans Traders Priest General
Working Class in the City Slaves Farmers
Men & Women Men Women Polical Power- made the laws Home & Child raising Educated Some upper-class Enheduanna- Sargon’s daughter- 1st known female writer in history Wrote hymns to the goddesss, Inanna
The Rise of Sumer Government Religion Society Originally organized into city-states Large empire created by Sargon First permanent army Polytheistic Each city had a god as protector Gods have enormous power Priests interpret wishes of gods Everyone must serve and worship gods Kings Priests Skilled crafters, merchants, & traders Laborer and farmers Slaves