Suicide And Self-harm (SASH)
GSL Policy It is Mangaung Correction Centre’s policy to increase awareness among all our employees and inmates of the potential for suicide or self-harm among those committed to our care. A SASH programme has therefore being implemented to address those in need of special care. Suicide is possibly the most serious incident that can occur in a correctional facility.
The SASH Programme serves the following purposes: To provide an effective system within the prison that will help employees to identify inmates who are at risk of harming themselves. To provide the support and assistance needed to prevent these inmates from harming themselves. To promote recovery from a self-harm or suicide crisis through care and supportive management
Suicide and self harm approach Holistic Multidisciplinary SASH coordinator – Psychologist Unit Manager Registered nurse Social worker DSO Process is ongoing and will start on admission and will end upon release
Capacity building for employees who need to identify inmates at risk Employees receive during induction, specific training on the SASH programme as well as the roles and responsibilities of each employee. The frontline employees will be sensitised on behaviour that could pose a risk and will be empowered to act immediately. The employees form part of a multi disciplinary team and will never be in a position to take a decision on an inmates life based on their own discretion. Employees receive refresher training on the SASH programme annually.
The SASH Process
Identify an inmate who displays suicidal or self-harm behaviour (indicators). The Unit Manager is informed of the SASH inmate and immediately assess the situation in terms of placement. The unit manager will determine the initial special watch procedure . A SASH team will assess the inmate initially within 48 hours and thereafter determine progress weekly and attend to the inmate’s special needs.
The frontline employee is equipped to utilise a observation tick list to give feedback on the inmate’s behaviour in the street to the SASH team. In all instances the inmate is included in the planning of the interventions needed to involve him in the healing process and to experience accountability for decisions and behaviour in his own life.
Indicators for inmates at risk Talking about suicide and self harm Giving away possessions to others Gathering lethal objects Significant mood swings Upcoming court case Current of increasing mental illness Life threatening illness, HIV and Hepatitis C
Indicators (continue) Social withdrawn Divorce or relationship breakdown Financial worries First offenders or fear of prison environment Alcohol and drug withdrawal Depression Irrational behaviour resulting from a mental impairment