The New Nation Faces Challenges! Problems faced by a new nation made it clear a new constitution was needed!
Key Terms and Key People Tariffs Interstate Commerce Inflation Depression Shays’s Rebellion Key People Daniel Shays
Un-Armed Forces After the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the United States found it difficult to raise an army and protect its citizens The United States could NOT enforce the Treaty of Paris and Great Britain maintained its forts in the United States that protected fur trade routes Great Britain warned that if the United States tried to remove them by force they would enter into a new war
Un-Fair Trade After the Revolutionary War Great Britain closed its Trade Ports to the United States Hurting US Trade Britain also attached HUGE punishment Tariffs on goods coming from the United States and Sold in Great Britain To compensate for the Tariffs, Merchants had to raise process of goods hurting the consumer The United States Economy continued to get worse
Spain in the Neck pt. 2 Spain closed the Lower Mississippi River to US shipping, hurting our trade with Eastern US and Foreign Markets Congress Tried to work out an agreement but all 13 states would not ratify it causing Spain to break off negotiations Many citizens began to criticize the strength of our government and our lack of military to protect us Some people started to see the need for a stronger national government
The Dis-United States of America As Britain imposed more trade restrictions against the United States, British goods began to flow into the United States at much cheaper prices than local goods The National Government did not have the power to pass tariffs and states could not pass them because trade would simply move to other states States worked to improve their own trade situations and did not worry about National Trade American merchants began looking for NEW trade markets but nothing could replace British Trade
A Very sad situation As States began to trade amongst themselves(Interstate Commerce) they set up their own trade laws that differed from state to state States also began to print up their own money with no gold to back its value leading to inflation, which congress could not stop The large amounts of worthless money hurt creditors as those in debt paid back their debt with money worth less than they had borrowed The Loss of trade combined with inflation led the United States into Depression
No Money, Mo Problems As Massachusetts tries to collect more taxes to pay off war debts, Farmers began to lose farms, sell land, and serve terms in prison As farmers continue to be hurt by the taxes they start to shut down the courts to prevent property seizure Daniel Shays led one of the biggest revolts against the government and was ordered to stop or face capture and death Shays’s forces were defeated, but after Shays’s Rebellion many of the rebellion leaders were freed because the citizens agreed with their cause
Ch Ch Changes Shays’s Rebellion forced people to realize the national government was NOT strong enough to protect the citizens or the country A national conference was called in Annapolis, Maryland to discuss Economic issues and changing the constitution, but many of the states either didn’t make it or did not respond Because of the poor attendance, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton called a constitutional convention in Philadelphia to propose changing the Articles of Confederation
This has been another world famous Mr. Green Powerpoint Presentation! Good Day!