Constitution Preamble Page 53 Objective: Rewrite the preamble to the Constitution in modern academic language using an outline format.
Constitution Preamble We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Untied States of America. There are six goals and a subject, so outline this as A through G.
Constitution Preamble All Authority in the People People must be educated in right from wrong so that they follow truth Jefferson believed that an educated people was the safest place to put power. The people are less likely to err consistently because they will want to preserve their own freedoms.
Constitution preamble Over 50 proposals / attempts to unify the colonies before 1776 1 A more perfect union Advantages of Union Even after unification several states or sections of the country threatened secession: New England following the War of 1812 South Carolina: nullification crisis South: 1860-1861 Common defense The fact that the Founders could unify 13 independent states was a monumental achievement. Preservation of public peace Regulation of commerce
Constitution preamble Government credibility is destroyed Constitution preamble Opportunity and a place to complain of injuries and a mechanism to provide a remedy 2 Equal justice for all Every citizen has the right to have his life and liberty protected and treated innocent until proven guilty. Protects rights of people Provides an adequate remedy for violations
Constitution preamble Biggest disruption: MOBOCRACY 3 Ensure peace, security and tranquility Enjoy a state of law and order Nothing should make one feel more unsafe than mobs burning, lynching, and looting their own cities and spreading havoc. We should be outraged when this happens. The Constitution should intervene when mobs attempt to take away the rights of others. Security Peace
Constitution preamble Need for common defense without risk of military takeover during peace time 4 Provide defense against internal and external enemies Protected from people who want to destroy the U.S. Invasion Internal Subversion
Constitution preamble States granted the federal government the power to do 20 things and each must be carried out for the general welfare of the whole nation. Constitution preamble Not a general grant of power to Congress to do anything it feels is for the general welfare 5 Policies to the general welfare of the whole nation Serving the collective needs of the nation No special welfare Each region treated equally
Constitution preamble This requires people trained in virtue 6 Purpose was to secure the blessings that come with liberty for themselves and their descendants Government continually engaged in the protection of freedom Not drift toward anarchy Not drift toward tyranny